Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Further proof of my genius

In the grocery store the other day Sparky asked me to look and see if they had chick pea flour. I looked and told her they did not but that they did have garbanzo bean flour. She rolled her eyes and said, "Hey genius, what do you think chick peas are?"

So there you go. I'm a genius. Boo ya.


Wings1295 said...

Well, I must be a genius, too, cause I didn't know they were one and the same, either.

Mnmom said...

Well I knew but I'm no genius.

lisahgolden said...

I love it when people call me a genius!

Snad said...

Did we need such proof?

Unknown said...

What a falafel you are...

Margaret Benbow said...

I was deep into middle age before I knew that. You're ahead of the game!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Boo ya, indeed!

Ricky Shambles said...

Obviously, only Muslims know that. Also - hummus, though delicious, will destroy us all in Sharia law.