The failed Navy pilot who cracked under torture wants to deprive brown skinned citizens of their Miranda rights. And his buddy to his right wants to deprive all brown skinned citizens who are Muslim of all their Constitutional rights if he thinks they are terrorists.
I weep for my country because two idiots like these are 'leaders' of it.
For the record, all citizens, both naturalized and those born here, should be given Miranda warnings when arrested for any crime. And our legal system was founded on the idea that it's better for many guilty to go free rather than innocent person be wrongly punished. And finally I think both of these assholes should be held in Gitmo for subverting the principles of our Constitution in the name of fighting the war of terror. They are too stupid to see that they let the terrorists win when we change the laws and principles of our country to accommodate fear.
Drunk on the high of being on tv and radio and as any drunk person does, they do not act in a rationable and reasonable manner. They have lost all ability to act rationally and look at the world trough ther eyes and mindset and are in complete denial, addicted they are to the adoration and they money. "Honestly honey, I don't have a problem with being an elected official, honest" Sound familiar?
Every person, citizen, resident or not, should get Miranda warnings. Christ, this country is circling the drain.
Nothing to add Monkey...well said.
These two would make Abraham Lincoln puke.
Please don't forget to add the third most dangerous man in the USA, Mr. Newt Gingrich. Because clawing your way back from disgrace and into the spotlight isn't anything to be trifled with.
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