Monday, May 17, 2010


Even though I'm now an atheist, I used to be a practicing Christian and I've read the Bible, parts of it many many times, and I'm pretty sure that if we're a Christian nation then we've got our priorities out of whack.

I am 100% certain that Jesus would not want our tax dollars going to fund the wars
or terror on Iraq and Afghanistan.
And he wouldn't want us to fund Israel's holocaust of
and apartheid towards the Palestinian people.
I don't have a degree in Christian theology or anything but I'm fairly certain he'd want us to use that money to feed the poor, fully fund our schools and colleges, pay for national health insurance for all, to clothe the naked, house the homeless, and give clean water to those who thirst.


Margaret Benbow said...

Yes, absolutely true.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Jesus was a liberal. They use his name but not his message.

squatlo said...

I've often wondered how so many self-professed Christians can sleep at night with the hypocrisy of their opinions. The Onward Christian Soldier crowd of gung-holier than thou Jackbooters who scream to stop health care legislation for the poor, or who want to build our own little wall of shame across our southern border? Who would Jesus Deport?
Love your style, man... keep it up! Hope you'll check out mine at while you're up...

MommyLisa said...

Yup. They clearly have not read the stories of how Jesus healed the sick and poor, fed them, educated them....

McGriddle Pants said...

I just will never understand how "Christians" can be so led astray. It infuriates me when people do such horrible things in the name of God. Its what YOU want. You know as well as I do that we may never know what God actually wants. Unless you talk to him.


Mnmom said...

Preach it brother! The "Christians" in power are so NOT Christian. I'm reading The Family right now. These creeps have convinced themselves that Jesus is the gospel about power and the powerful, and that God wants men of power to rid the world of vice in the form of unions and socialized healthcare. Makes me sick.

gmb said...

Many, but not all, so-called followers of Jesus are evil filthy people who use good model to cover up their hate and blood lust.

Megan said...

I can actually imagine a Jeremiah Scudder in our future, and it scares the shit out of me.

Kulkuri said...

Where Xianity took a wrong turn is when Royalty and the Nobility got religion. Then it was all about them and the hell with the poor.

Anonymous said...

I don't know. God is kind of messed up with getting guys to kill their kids and painting blood on doorways so angels don't come and kill their kids and having his own kid nailed to some tree and wiping people out in floods and testing them with apples and serpents and turning them into salt and putting that whole nasty Revelations threat thing over our heads for all eternity.