Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This blog is this many as of today:

That's right. I've been writing Monkey Muck for four years now. It's been wildly fun and a great creative outlet for me. I've been very lucky to have built such a great community of readers and commenters, Chinese spammers and asshole-ish trolls and family members aside that is.

I hit my stride and found my style and voice relatively early on. It only took me a few months to see that the best way for my blog to move forward was with a mix of the political, the pop cultural, the personal, and the purely silly. As much as I love politics, both national and international, it would get pretty boring around here if I only wrote and ranted about politics all the time. So I mix it up.

That's how I rolls bitches.
And it's all worked well enough for me to have made some of the best friends I've ever had in my life through this blog. I'm a lucky guy to have made most of your acquaintances and to have those blog friendships deepen through Facebook and email. I'm also lucky to have formulated a good policy that cuts trolls and assholes who insult me and my readers off quickly. Some of the people I've cut off have whined that I took away their freedom of speech by deleting their comments as soon as I see them. But stupid people like them forget that just because they have the freedom to say what they like doesn't mean I have to listen to them. And that includes family members of mine.

But by and large the people who read and comment on here are nice, well educated, and a pleasure to have around. And while I don't write this blog for them, I write it for me, it's my pleasure to share it with them.

I have no plans to ever stop writing this blog so it looks like you're stuck with me for a very long time.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear Monkey Muck! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

I simply love Monkey Muck and am delighted that you plan to keep writing it for a good long while. You make me laugh and cry (usually the laughter causes the tears to run down my face) until my stomach hurts. You make me think. We don't always agree, but I always respect you and you always respect me.

SamuraiFrog said...

Glad to be stuck with you. Congratulations on the anniversary!

Wings1295 said...

Happy Blog-birthday, Doc! Glad to have found you and your space on the 'net, and hope you are here for a very long time, indeed!

Life As I Know It Now said...

Is it happy birthday or happy anniversary? Either way, happy to have you around you monkey man you!

Kim Hambric said...

Four is an unlucky number in China. Those spammers won't be back for a year. Congratulations!

John Shuck said...

Happy Birthday, Monkey! We started just about the same time, but you will always be a little older. I really appreciate your voice for politics, silliness, and insights of life around our mountain!

Thanks, monkey-friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Berfday!!!!!

Nan said...

Happy blog-iversary. I love your mix of opinions, silliness, and your take on life in general.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4 years! Looking forward to more cutting criticism of fundamentalism and crazy politics!

(As well as pictures of Sarah Polley ;))

Anonymous said...

Sending you pretend virtual fruits and flowers (the traditional 4th anniversary gifts)

Megan said...

Yay! No stopping EVER!

dguzman said...

Live forever, Monkey! That'll show those bastards.

gmb said...

Happy 4th Dr. Monkey. You don't look a day over 3.

Lsamsa said...

No idea how I found your blog...simply put, I'm very glad I did!
Happy 4th Monkey!!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

May the Legion of Monkeymen only grow into the future.

You were one of the first blogs to teach me that creativity is a must and that batshit public opinion is the cornerstone of blogging.

You make me angry and stoke the fires of my venom towards those individuals and agencies who are only out to do harm to the harmonious jungle we have working here. Congrats and here is to your continued logevity.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jay Allbritton said...

Congrats, Monkey. You're the best.

Blueberry said...

Sending love to Monkey Muck!