Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Is it out to get us too?


Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Run, don't walk!

DrGoat said...

I've heard if it wasn't for sea foam, we wouldn't exist. I don't think that includes foaming cleanser, so beware.

SkylersDad said...

I think it is the bastard cousin Scrubbing Bubbles we need to worry about!

Who you callin' housewife? said...

Watch out for that foam. It's out to change the constitution, lock up immigrants and give guns to all children.

Logical Libby said...

Is that contraceptive? Cause if not it will multiply...

Blueberry said...

It's a soap opera.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

And Blueberry wins comment of the week!