Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And now, here's a message from Massey Energy's Don Blankenship

All you inspectors had better get the fuck off mah property. We got coal to mine here and you god damn greeniacs ain't gonna stop us from doing it. And you miners families had better shut up and stop defaming me and mah mines or I'll fire every fucking one of you. I own this state, I bought and paid fer it and I'll do what I damn well please in it. Ya'll run back to the negro President of yours and tell him I'm in charge here, not him.

And don't forget to use as much electricity as ya'll can so that I can keep these mines open. If the USA starts using solar power or wind power then the terrorists win. God bless America and my bank account.

Now move along god damn it.


Utah Savage said...

That sounds about right. I'm beginning to believe corporations and the very rich own us all. They benefit from the bad economy and the desperation of the unemployed to eat, to feed their families, so we will work for less and less in more and more dangerous environments.

Nan said...

Massey executives (and maybe coal company execs in general) are another group of people that always make me wish I wasn't an atheist. If there was ever a group that deserved to spend eternity stoking furnaces, it's Blankenship et al.

Who you callin' housewife? said...

And this b@st*rd will still sleep well tonight. In a place where there is little work aside from coal mining, there will be others to take the places of those who died. His company will suffer little. The company's lawyers will suffer little either.

If he is reincarnated, I hope he returns to this world over and over as a canary.

Photo Shop his photo -- put a turban on him and call him a terrorist. Yes, the terrorists CEOs, CFOs, etc.) are winning.

jadedj said...

Utah, this explains it, methinks.

Mnmom said...

The corporations and the rich have owned us for years, and I don't see it changing anytime soon. And they got crazy teabaggers doing their protesting for them by convincing them they are fighting for democracy against the evil liberals.

Why can't humans overcome their greed and do the right thing?

gmb said...

What Nan said. I wish I believed in hell, because then I would know where this evil piece of shit was going to spend eternity (blowing Pol Pot for eternity, if I had any say).

Margaret Benbow said...

Hey, he's got a right to wrap himself in the flag, he bought and paid for two U.S. Senators!