Friday, February 12, 2010

If there's one thing I hate...'s jugglers.

And if there's two things I hate, it's jugglers and...
...Renaissance fair jugglers. Those bastards are almost worse than clowns.

Damn clowns.


Lsamsa said...

Best joke I ever heard ended with 'F*ck off clown'.
Jugglers...weird, like mimes.
I also hate, really hate, circuses...just never understood all those kids who 'loved going to the circus'...thought I was weird...perhaps I am!

Wings1295 said...

Clowns do have an inherent creepiness about them. Not sure why that is...

And hey, as you know, you have been given an award: Once again to the podium... Congrats!

Margaret Benbow said...

For some reason I can't stand it when they juggle with bowling pins, but I am OK with the oranges.