Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sense and nonsense

Let's talk about health insurance reform. Well, okay, to be honest, I'll talk and you can listen. There's a lot of misinformation and outright lies going around in the latest struggle to reform our health care system and I'm going to cut through some of it and put out some salient facts you need to know.
  • The best way to cut costs and cover every citizen in this country is to go to a single payer not for profit system but the conservatives and some incumbents in Washington DC don't want everyone covered, they only want to cover the backsides of their big donors in the health care industry.
  • The money people are spending on the shitty insurance, and most private for profit insurance out there is shitty and you and I both know it, would be spent on other things thereby stimulating other parts of our economy if we had single payer not for profit health insurance for all.
  • The only people for profit health care helps is the health insurance companies.
  • Most personal bankruptcies in this country are due to crushing medical debt. Most people who take a bankruptcy for this reason have for profit insurance.
  • Medicare, the Veterans Administration hospitals, and the insurance that Congressmen and women and their staffs get is government run health care. If you claim to hate socialism and do not want others to have government run health care and you partake in any of these named programs, then you need to stop being a hypocrite and opt out of them.
  • It's clear why Republicans want to stop health insurance reform, they want to protect their corporate donors and they don't want President Obama to have any legislative victories. What is unconscionable is that there are members of the Democratic party who will not stand up and fight for health insurance reform. What's even worse than that however is the fact that there are people who want health insurance reform but who don't want President Obama to be the Democratic President who gets it done.
  • Single payer not for profit government funded health insurance for all would be a blessing to businesses all over this country. Companies in Sweden, Germany, France, and Canada are competitive because they do no have foot the huge expenses of employee health insurance plans.
  • Morally, single payer health care for all is the only way to go. Since this is a Christian nation, he said rolling his eyes, I'm sure all you good Christians will remember that Jesus said something along the lines of what you do for the poorest folks you do for him. So by denying the poor, the working poor, and everyone else health insurance, we're denying Jesus health care. Way to go Christians, way to deny your savior his medical care. You bastards!
  • People of intelligence and goodwill can disagree on this issue but if you resort to calling the President a Nazi, which he can't be if he's also a socialist, or by saying that he's out to kill white or old folks, then you automatically should be shut out of the debate because you bring nothing to the debate but a big bowl of steaming hot stupid.


themom said...

The "big bowl of steaming hot stupid" is the huge stumbling block. I'm worried about losing my good brain cells arguing with these idiots. Great post.

Life As I Know It Now said...

You are right on target here Monkey. Why can't the stupid folks see this? Oh right, cuz their too busy being stupidly brainwashed by their masters. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!