Monday, September 28, 2009

It's time to...

The Gerwe's would like to make friends with people who like to attend drive in movies and who square dance.

Cornelia would like to meet rich single men and incapacitate them for fun, profit, and the occasional belly laugh.

Mr. Tyrrele would like to meet a special lady who shares his love of nature and drinking MD 20/20 that has been strained through his dirty underwear.

Grace wants to meet someone she can eat loads of poodle meat and deny evolution with.

Mr. deVeer Ranoch is interested in finding people who can give his Nigerian friends some money so that they can access a much larger fortune that is being tied up by banks in their home country.

Mrs. Henry Staedt would like to meet a football fans who will attend Packers games with her and who will help her pelt damn dirty hippies and socialists with small rocks and shards of glass.

Mrs. Sharp would love to meet someone who will help her remember where she left her bottle of Ranch dressing.

(All these names and addresses came out of the April 1957 edition of the Journal of Lifetime Living, which was a magazine for senior citizens.)


Karen Zipdrive said...

Gee if they were already old in 1957...
Hey Monkey, this is like the origins of Craigslist! You think any of these geeezers got any action from pan pals?

Karen Zipdrive said...

Ooops pen pals. Not pan pals.
Coffee, please.

Margaret Benbow said...

And what's more, if these Personals were running today, every single one of them would have a soulmate out there somewhere. Probably several!

Barbara Bruederlin said...

They are all going on my Christmas card list! Each and every one.

Anonymous said...

Do you think these folks would like I do! ;)

Elizabeth said...

I hate those damned dirty hippies! I know who I'm writing to!

Mauigirl said...