Thursday, September 3, 2009

Great new blog discoveries (Sharing the love for lady bloggers edition)

Fringe Pop is a blog dedicated to just what the title suggests, stuff on the fringes of pop culture. Astrid, the uber cool chick who writes it, is a lover of vintage pulp and other neat old stuff. Highly recommended if you're in to the lurid and naughty. I'm ready to proclaim Astrid the high priestess of vintage pulp.

The super cool, cute, and crafty Erin over at Blogging is for Dorks is rockin' my blog world these days. She's smart, funny, and her and her family are almost unbearably cute. She writes about a plethora of stuff which is why I love her so and she's been known to leave a comment here too.

I just found the blog How did I get here? today through my fellow atheist blog bud Lemmy Caution's blog. Forever your girl, who writes How did I get here?, is into Project Runway so I know she and I will be great blog buds. She's also into being a Lutheran, but since she's on the correct side of the gay/les issue in in that church I'll let her religious stuff slide.


Doc said...

So if I'm a druid and worship tree spirits does that mean I can slide too?

Just asking,

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thanks so much for turning the light on these bloggers. I am always looking for a fresh point of view and interesting content so I am happy to give these a good read. We tend to like the same things so I have high hopes.

Forever your girl said...

Thanks for all the love... don't worry about the religious stuff - Lemmy never lets it slide.
When he is not spanking me for my beliefs, he is reminding me of how I am the worst Christian he has ever known.
To clarify, worst in the sense that I can take a joke and see no problem with giving him a tacky Jesus doll from the Dollartree.

Lemmy Caution said...

Or when you hung hundreds of paper angels in my office while I was on vacation. Zealot.

Crayons said...

This is my monthly visit to your wonderful blog. I have such terrible Internet service that it took 4 minutes for your page to load.

I like the way you pay tributes to women -- mind, body and soul. These three writers look promising. Anyway, you are a golden gateway to fame. I'll never forget the post in which you announced me to your readers. The rest has been history.

erin said...

I hope I don't disappoint everyone with my blog now.

The posts I have brewing in my head are all mostly about pooping, peeing and sushi...but not any mixture of the three...all separate posts...

But who knows, maybe pooping and peeing and sushi posts will be your cup of tea.