A couple of weeks ago, we passed a rather nice neighborhood - one that you would think would be high tech - and there was this gigantic outdoor antenna alongside the house. It had the rusted look, so I know it had been up for quite a few years. When cable came to the forefront, I remember when we dismantled our antenna - so many years ago.
I used to enjoy the antenna we had on our farmhouse in Wisconsin. It would "sing" to us when the wind blew. I found that typically more enjoyable than actually watching anything that came in via the signals it picked up.
A couple of weeks ago, we passed a rather nice neighborhood - one that you would think would be high tech - and there was this gigantic outdoor antenna alongside the house. It had the rusted look, so I know it had been up for quite a few years. When cable came to the forefront, I remember when we dismantled our antenna - so many years ago.
Funny- I saw one the other day and was thinking, "Huh- you don't see those much anymore, do you?"
How odd.
I used to enjoy the antenna we had on our farmhouse in Wisconsin. It would "sing" to us when the wind blew. I found that typically more enjoyable than actually watching anything that came in via the signals it picked up.
If there was underwear hanging off of it, that could be the locaiton for any b-rate movie from the 80's.
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