Thursday, August 6, 2009

Here we go again

Another beef recall, this time it's out west.

Do you really need another reason to buy only organic or grass fed beef?


Ubermilf said...

Or, a reason to forcefully demand a crackdown on "factory" food?

How about a reason to charge the CEO with attempted homicide whenever somebody comes down with a food-borne illness from something like this?

I know I'm an extremist. But so is ruthlessly pursuing profits at the expense of public safety.

Bradda said...

I agree Ubermilf. Until we demand a total "reform" of our food industries, healthcare "reform" is kind of pointless. We'll all have cheap healthcare but we'll all still be getting sicker from the food they serve us. Unfortunately Dr. Monkey, not all of us have a beautiful and bountiful(love the pics) garden and organic is mad expensive.

Dr. Monkey said...

Go shop at your local farmer's markets Bradda.