Saturday, June 6, 2009

Marriage customs in Norway

Many people freeze to death in Norway before reaching marriageable age, therefore it's not uncommon for parents to insist that their children marry at a young age. When young girls find an unfrozen young boy they want to marry they then give their would be groom a pine cone. If the young lad accepts the girl he then paints the pine cone and they are considered married. However the legal system prohibits them from consummating their marriage until both bride and groom reach the age of 16. But all bets are off if Sasquatch shows up deflowers either partner.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

We had the pinecone wedding ceremony as well when I married the Spousal Unit. Canadians and Norwegians are more alike than you realise.

Missy said...

We invited Sasquatch in the hopes that he would get all teary and forget to eat us!

themom said...

I laid awake all night wondering about just this thing. Thanks for the info. :)