Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Garden update

Here's a shot of Sparky's herb garden:
It's chock full of basil, oregano, thyme, sage, mint, lemon grass, chives, cilantro, lavender, and some other stuff.

And here's what growing in our main vegetable garden:
From left to right that's potatoes, tomatoes, egg plant, and watermelon.

Red onions.

White sweet potatoes and onions from seed. The sweet potatoes look scrawny because I just planted them yesterday.

More sweet potatoes, shallots, and a couple different varieties of peppers.

Peppers and green beans.

Several more varieties of tomato plants, which have many green tomatoes on them now, which means I'll have ripe fresh tomatoes in a few weeks. Yay me!

Broccoli and lettuce bordered with marigolds.

In the side garden bed we have:
Peas, butternut squash, zucchini, yellow squash, cantaloupes, strawberries, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, green beans, and cucumbers.

Everything has been grown with no pesticides, no herbicides, and no non organic plant food. We've been watering the garden with rain water from our rain barrel. We're trying to grow this food as close to naturally as possible. And we've been eating lots of lettuce, peas, herbs, and potatoes out of the garden so far.

I'm hoping to have enough tomatoes and peppers to make and can some salsa and to perhaps can some tomatoes by themselves. And I do this despite all the warnings from my blog buddy XUP. She claims it's not worth the time or effort to can stuff, especially homemade jams, but I did a cost analysis on my pints of strawberry jam and we're coming out way ahead on the cost of what I canned versus store bought stuff. Plus home canned stuff is fresher, contains no High Fructose Corn Syrup or other additives, and it tastes better too. I grew up thinking that canning and jam making was a huge undertaking that was something akin to hard labor because my drama queen crazy aunt used to act like it was the hardest work in the world. I have found the opposite to be true in my case. It's not hard at all, it took me less than an hour each time I made my batches of strawberry jam. What it takes to make the salsa however, remains to be seen.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

wow, beautiful!

Missy said...

Totally beautiful! So neat and darling. What are the beer bottles for? Moisture watch? Hops?

Love the herb garden layout.

Gifted Typist said...

mmm, good salads in the monkey household this summer, lotsa Vit B too

Anonymous said...

No, no. It's not worth it, if you're just making a couple of jars with stuff you had to buy somewhere. It's totally worth it if you have bushels of your own produce. That's why canning was invented -- to store up your surplus fruits and vegetables. I was just commenting on people who go to the grocery store or market to buy flats of strawberries to make jam. Not efficient. I used to love canning. It was a lot of work, but then we were canning for the whole winter. But it was so cool to see the cold storage full of mason jars full of delicious stuff we'd crack open when the weather got cold. Popping that lid always brought back the sweltering heat of summer even in the middle of a snow storm. Your garden is amazing by the way

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Missy-The beer bottles are just a decorative border.

XUP-We will have to agree to disagree. It's totally worth it to can stuff and to make jam and jellies, even if it's just to make sure one doesn't eat all the additives they put in corporate food.

Wandering Coyote said...

Canning rocks my socks. I do it every summer with my family and I get tons of stuff for really cheap - and it's local, has no shit in it, and is way better for the environment.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Amen WC.

Snad said...

I personally like the crop of Heinekens you're growing! Great use for green glass, since we can't recycle the damned stuff here.

Snad said...

XUP - being "worth it" is a matter of perspective. Get over it.

Jay Allbritton said...

Yo Monkey, keep being awesome.

splord said...

Your garden RAWKS!!

I am so jealous, because we don't even have a yard here -- if/when I do, though, I'll be growing veggies all year 'round!

lisahgolden said...

Those gardens are going gangbusters! And they are so pleasing to my OCD eye, too. I love how tidy everything is. And decorative.

And I love what Sparky has done with the herb bed. Very pretty and full of tasty things!

Don't forget to pinch off the suckers from your tomato plants to your fruit gets the energy. (nag, nag)

Anonymous said...

Your garden is beautiful. This is what I miss being in the city. But this weekend I will go to my brother's place in the NJ burbs and will marvel at the tomato and pepper plants. His strawberries were amazing--we are hoping he finally gets some blackberries and raspberries this year.

K.Line said...

Oh, this is beautiful!! I particularly love Sparky's herb garden. So attractive and practical. Your farm gardening is very impressive. I'm sure you are going to be eating some terrific, fresh meals this summer.

Snad said...

By the way, Monkey - salsa is a snap to can. The greatest thing about it is that you can use up end runs of the garden - when you don't get enough to can much of it on its own - and it's one of the best ways to preserve peppers besides pickling them.

Vegetable soup is another good way to use bits of various things.

I plan on making and canning potato soup this year, too. Oh, how I loves me some good old tater soup!

Margaret Benbow said...

Beautiful garden, Monkey Muck. And definitely go ahead with that salsa. I have a Latina friend who used to get up at 5 a.m. so she could pray for her family for an hour, then at 6 a.m. she'd make the day's salsa. I know you're an atheist, but according to her the salsa-making has important blessings of its own.
Chop the greens and the reds and rejoice in the day.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

"Thats some pretty sweet gardening there Lou."

Crayons said...

Dr Monkey, please tell your bride that this is something of rare beauty. I do not know how to garden, but I do have a hankering to get my hands on some of the produce. Think Mediterranean. Claudia Roden. Sephardic food. My people.

dguzman said...

Oh Monkey! How I wish I had time to drive down and just see these beautiful gardens in person! I got all teary-eyed just looking at them--so neat, so green, and so naturally pure. You and Sparky ROCK so freakin' hard.

Good luck with the canning, and eat some tomatoes right off the vine for me.

Joe said...

Beautiful, beautiful. We're still rainy and chilly hear, and other than our tomatoes and some herbs nothing is doing much right now.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely... But what are the green upside down bottles for?

There cool even if their there for no reason.