It's been positively monsoon like around here for the past few days and now there's break in the clouds!

And I'm going to take advantage of this weather to go plant some stuff in the garden and do some work out side in the yard so I'll be scarce here until later tonight. Feel free to hang out and read my older posts or go visit some of the fine folks on my blog roll. If you get hungry here's some lettuce covered lump with white sauce:

That lump is vile *gg*
Glad you're getting a break in the rains.... talked to a friend in Asheville yesterday (in the middle of that downpour I posted) and he said that it's rained at his farm every day for the last month.
Here's an interesting bit of info... according to weatherunderground, the current conditions here in San Jose are 77degrees and "Smoke". I'm not sure if that means there's a big ass fire somewhere near the airport, or that I should light up. I hope it's the former, as I quit smoking over a year ago, and don't really want to start back up.
And holy shit, what IS that thing?
Is that a fake nose... boob... butt cheek...?
Everything is more appealing when it's placed on lettuce and sprinkled with brownish powder (which could be either a spice or just some dirt).
It could be half a pear, but I wouldn't touch it.
I’m going to pretend that’s a scoop of melty ice cream.
I am here to say I have seen plenty of the rain. I know I shouldn't complain, but oy!
Does it have a more attractive name?
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