Sunday, May 10, 2009

I nearly missed you

My current hobby, aside from gardening, is taking candid photos of people who are almost out of the frame. Here's a couple of shots I recently took:

Expect a Flickr set out of these sometime soon.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

This is a rather brilliant idea, but I am afraid that my mother-in-law was way ahead of you, as she's been taking pictures where family members are mostly out of the frame for decades.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I'm a little shocked that lady in the second photo managed to get those enormous bazooms in the frame.
Looks like a rather motley waiting room- was it a parole office?

Dr Zibbs said...

Look at the body on that chick!

I wouldn't mind gettin' in HER frame.

Get it? Get it?

Dr Zibbs said...

Seriously....get it?

Whiskeymarie said...

Yeah, I'm wondering about the waiting room in the second photo too- were you at the free clinic again?

Anonymous said...

How is she able to stand up? I mean, really.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

That waiting room was actaully a hall way out side of a college TV studio. I did a interview segment for on a TV show as a favor to a young friend. And yes folks, you are right, that girl is in no danger of drowning, if you know what I mean.

Utah Savage said...

The woman in the second frame is one very well built babe with big bazooms and great posture. So leave her alone you guys, you purvs. If you can hold your back that straight with that weight on the front you've earned the right to those beauties.

I like this idea. It's more like the person taking the picture is just a person looking and catching out of the corner of the eye, something to turn the head. Or a dream image so fleeting....

MommyLisa said...

Yup, that girl in the second photo is ummm, busting into show business.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Posture hell, she's having to hold those girls up with her forearms!