Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Here's some photos of my Mom:

When the noise and stress of having 5 kids and a mentally ill husband got on her nerves, my Mom would go out the front door of our house in the projects in Detroit and she'd sit on the trash cans and watch the neighborhood goings on. I remember running home many a day and seeing her sitting out there.

Here she is before she had me and my late sister Linda. She'd had three kids and a miscarrige by the time this photo was taken.

I was almost 3 when this picture of Mom was taken. When I was hesitant to take naps as a child I'd cry until she came and laid down with me. I was 10 when she passed away and I still miss her to this day. If you still have your mother and you get along with her, then call her and tell her you love her because when she's gone you'll regret not saying it more often when you had the chance.


Wings1295 said...

A very nice tribute. Thanks for sharing. :)

Kim @ The Girl Can't Help It said...

Oh my gosh, we really are the same person! The story about your mom is very sweet and sure hits home. Great pics of her- she was adorable!

Karen Zipdrive said...

I hope she and my Mom are having a few shots of tequila somewhere out there.

K.Line said...

What gorgeous photos, Monkey. I love your family posts. And I'm sure your mum is looking down, very proud of who you've become. Kxo

Whiskeymarie said...

"If you still have your mother and you get along with her, then call her and tell her you love her because when she's gone you'll regret not saying it more often when you had the chance."

My sentiments exactly, Monkey.

lisahgolden said...

Just got off the phone with The Big R. I'm really glad I called. She's as nutty as ever. Thank goodness.

P.S. I love the photos of our mother. I realized today that I have no pix of my mom scanned in! I need to remedy this stat!

Blueberry said...

I love the photos. My dad died when I was pretty young too so he stays frozen in time in photos.

ReRe said...

thank you for that last sentence. i tell my friends that every day.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you lost your mother at such a young age. That is terrible. Your advice is spot on and I'd like to add that people should try and appreciate their moms everyday and not just on days designated by Hallmark.:)

Gifted Typist said...

Very moving Monkey.

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous and you're sweet