2) Jon and Kate and all their little kids
3) Phony talk radio speech that is designed to make liberals and progressives outraged
4) Remakes, sequels, and reboots coming out of Hollywood
5) All members of the Lohan family
6) Most any primetime show on FOX
7) The execrable NBA
8) People who go on and on about what a great thing the phenomenon of Susan Boyle is
9) Twitter
10) TV Political pundits
Seriously, I'm sick to death of all those things and I wish they go away right this second. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post. Thank you.
Amen on 1 and 8. Give me a couple of weeks and I'll be adding Big Brother UK to my own similar list of annoyances.
Amen on 1, 2, 7 and 8.
Well, Susan Boyle lost so you might not have to hear too much about her anymore.
And at least you didn't say Adam Lambert. Because he needs to be talked about. Often.
you forgot to mention Susan Boyle
and all the morning snoozefests talking about susan boyle
and the fact the Today show sent meredith vieira to cover susan boyle
You said "bog post", but I don't any bogs anywhere around here. Where are you hiding the peat moss?
OK already. I won't be posting anything more on SB! Are ya happy now??? My bog post will all go to hell now....unless I cultivate that garden. :)
1) eh...
2) Oh hell yeah, I am SICK of that clan
3) Okay
4) Yeah, how about something ORIGINAL
5) Already ignore all of them
6) I like Fringe
7) My son loves B-ball, so I will continue to hear about the NBA
8) Yeah, I agree!
9) Don't you want to know when I sneeze?
10) I don't watch, so I don't care
Go Lakers! (Otherwise I'm pretty much with ya)
Sweet Jesus and Mary I'm with you all the way. My list is so much longer, though.
You need to be like Spinal Tap's amp and add:
11) Dick Frickin' Cheney
Bwahahhaaa! Can we add to the list American Idol, basically glorified Karaoke and Dancing with the Stars?
But did you see Bill Maher's "preview" of Kate, John and HATE? I nearly peed my pants.
Agreed re: Susan Boyle. Luckily I've only got one rabid Susan Boyle fan friend and she's getting burned out (finally).
How do you keep tapping into the 'Well Of My Bitterness' for these lists. I too am having limited patience for all your targets especially Twitter and Susan Boyle. To quote Apu - "Where is a gun toating lowlife when you need one?"
How predictable was it that Susan Boyle would have a meltdown and have to be carted away after she lost?
I have one word for her and her future singing career:
over and out.
To those of you who made fun of my typo: BITE ME.
Susan Boyle? Who is that?
I absolutely agree on Boyle, Jon and Kate and dumbass sequels and remakes. Enough already!
Monkey, Why do you hate America?
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