Friday, April 17, 2009

When I see one of these billboards:

I shout, "No it doesn't!" as I drive by it.


Anonymous said...

"For info packet contact Boys to Men"?
Weren't they a cheesy R&B group from the 90s? LOL

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I think that sign flips you off after you say that...

Mnmom said...

They ought to put a picture of Bristol Palin on it. Guess it DOES work if your objective is more teen pregnancy.

MommyLisa said...

How else will they breed more haters? I think you hit it MNMom - it is there plan! evil evil evil.

dguzman said...

I'm glad I've never seen one of these. I would have to get out with some paint and start defacing it, then I'd probably get arrested. Fucking liars.

splord said...

Well, technically, abstinence totally works. It is impossible to get pregnant unless one engages in sex.

What doesn't work is simply telling teens to not have sex. Aside from ending up with teens who are uninformed about STDs and contraceptives, there is no surer way to get a teen to do something than by telling her/him to not do it.

Cup said...

I heard about the huge brouhaha from Oprah's show last week, something about a guest who recommended that parents should talk about sex to their kids from a young age. All the Palinites were supposedly up in arms about it.


I am the product of a mother who talked to me about sex from a very early age, maybe as young as five or six. She was raised in the 1950s by her grandmother, so she was never told anything but "don't." She was determined her daughters would not be naive. Ahd it worked. I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity. I did it when I was ready and knew I could handle it. I'm now fifty years old and have never regretted a single sexual experience—even the one-night stands—because I grew up understanding sex, its joys, its implications. I'm proud of the way my mother raised me.

Keep meaning to blog about this.

Cormac Brown said...

I beg to differ, Dr. Monk, I abstained from voting Republican all my life and it works real well for me.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Abstinence works what, your last nerve?
If people think abstinence works, then why do a lot of sex therapists tell couples they can only hold hands, then only kiss, etc. while they work themselves into sexual arousal?
What works is contraceptives.
Or being gay. That works against unwanted pregnancy better than anything.

Snad said...

But it DOES work - if you are a big pharma company that sells drugs to treat STDs, that is.

Westcoast Walker said...

I just want to know what sort of rebuttal the sign had in response to your bold assertion?

I also think the sign should have read "abstinence makes the heart grow fungus"

lisahgolden said...

Abstinence Only education works to increase this newest generation of teens' anal and oral sex experience.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I agree with Bob. Abstinence does work to prevent pregnancy and STDs, as long as you actually practice it. The problem is that sex is natural and it feels really good. So it's difficult to stop when you're all heated up and unfamiliar with what causes all those wonderful feelings. And then if you don't know how to protect yourself when abstinence is too much to handle, then you're screwed in more ways than one.

Teaching abstinence only is horse shit. I saw both the Oprah episodes where she had Dr. Laura Berman on talking frankly about sex. I agree with Dr. Berman 100% that all kids should be getting The Talk from an early age with age appropriate information and it should be all inclusive. All inclusive to me means that parents (probably mom) should be talking to girls about masturbation and their sexual response cycle (aka orgasm). It empowers girls, just as Dr. Berman said. It teaches them to know what all those feelings are and how their bodies work so that they don't get caught up with a partner and go further than they are really ready for. It gives them control over their bodies.

Anonymous said...

If it really worked there'd be no one to read the sign -- how Zen is that?

libhom said...

I wonder if the diaper and infant formula companies are behind the billboard.

Missy said...

I would have trouble not driving through the sign. XUP makes a great point.