Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Way to go Peru!

If they can find their former democratically elected leader guilty of crimes against humanity, then surely we can at least put Bush and Cheney on trial.

Thanks for being the American leader in justice Peru!


themom said...

That's one trial I would watch beginning to end!!!

joe said...

Sounds good to me!

Johnny Yen said...

Cheers to Peru!

Not only was Fumimori incredibly guilty, he's an arrogant idiot; he could have stayed overseas and avoided prosecution. He returned to Peru with a fantasy of becoming leader again.

Mel said...

Here in Peru there are two very large groups: one supports Fujimori, one doesn't.

Me, I support his good work on education, roads, commerce, and peace (he did some great work too, sadly, his other nasty actions diminish it badly). What I don't like or endorse is the means his government (he) sometimes used to get things done: A life is a life, if you don't agree with someone's ideas, you TALK to that person, you don't TORTURE or SHOOT.

Anyway, I just hope this sets an example for other nations *hint* * hint* and that politics in the future actually think of the PEOPLE and not just some already fat pockets.