Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thanks heavens for XUP

For it was she who reminded me that the 'holiday' of easter is actually a celebration of Ishtar (who is another diety I don't believe in but I like her better than the god the Christians came up with). I'd rather celebrate a life giving female than a blood soaked zombie, so happy Ishtar weekend every body!


Blueberry said...

Ostara ( (aka Oestre or Eastre) is a good one too. She changed her pet bird into a rabbit who gave the colored eggs to the children.

Make 'em chocolate, and I'm in. I don't particularly need the fertility.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I'd sure hate to be the one who has to give her a pedicure though.

Crayons said...

Dr. M.
It is such a distinct please to read your blog again. I read to the end of the Barbara post. You are the Cobacabana.

You know, it's funny. We held a belated seder last night. One of topics of conversation after the third glass of wine was this: is it truly necessary to believe in a god at all?

So much of Passover is about gratitude for agriculture, not about a god.

If necessary, I guess I would go for the owls that flank Ishtar. They are surely part of an eternal force greater than ourselves.

Next year in Jerusalem!

Distributorcap said...

when does dustin hoffman show up?

Coaster Punchman said...

What, Kristianity doesn't have enough blood for you?

Utah Savage said...

I'm in for next Ishtar weekend. I can completely get behind Ishtar.

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

what does th' Raven King have to say 'bout this??

Anonymous said...

It's amusingly ironic that you're thanking Heaven.