May I suggest some shoes of the '70's then? You'd look great in some saddle shoes!

Or a pair of these babies:

I actually had a pair like the one in the lower right. I wore them to school in Michigan once and I got made fun of by a visiting evangelist. Yeah, it was crazy,
an evangelist,
who was invited to speak in a public school of all places, made fun of my god damned shoes. He's probably wearing Crocs and an orange prison jump suit by now, the dirty bastard.
Personally, I think Jesus would've thought those shoes were pretty snazzy.
I had the pair of black and white saddle shoes. Loved em!
You guys didn't have Earth Shoes, from the 70s. I think that was a uniquely Canadian thing. They were taller at the top than the bottom thus you were always walking uphill.
Very Canadian that.
Oh, here in California we had earth Shoes. I always thought it was a hippy thing.
I think these are all back in style now...
GT-We had Earth Shoes here in the USA. I never wore them but I remember them being for sale.
I had the black & white saddle shoes... Rockstars wear them you know!
I had the black & white saddle shoes... Rockstars wear them you know!
We had Earth Shoes in Texas too. I had the beige and brown saddle shoes, only mine were Bass.
I too think that Jesus would've thought your shoes were pretty hip. What the hell does an evangelist know about hip, or about Jesus for that matter?
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