Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Make sure your 'Helmet of Salvation' doesn't clash with that 'Vest of Invincibility' or the 'Underpants of Befuddlement' that you took from that dwarf in the third circle of hell. It should go nicely with your 1500 hit points and your 'Bag of Holding' though.


Megan said...

So apropos as we are getting set up to play next weekend. My character is a druid, though. No helmet.

But I do know the 'summon insects' spell. Plague bringer, that's me!

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

I plan on hiding in shadows.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I've got my "pyjamas of sleeping through the apocalypse" on.

Freida Bee said...

Is that a euphemism for condoms so as not to alert the Pope?

Whiskeymarie said...

I always try to coordinate my "helmet of salvation" with my "brassiere of befuddlement".

Utah Savage said...

I never remove my underpants of befuddlement except to shower. I should be safe, right? But the bag of holding is tucked in a drawer so the visitors won't see it and turn me in to the cops.

Mnmom said...

TN has some wicked severe helmet laws!

Anonymous said...

I used to have pencils that said something about girding your loins in the armor of god. Is the helmet of salvation part of that armor, I wonder?

John Shuck said...

Still laughing over the underpants of befuddlement.

Oops...I may have just befuddled them again...
