Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wasn't it nice?

Wasn't it nice to see a Presidential address where Dick Cheney wasn't sitting behind the President and sneering at us all?

Wasn't it nice to hear a Presidential address that was concise and clear?

Wasn't it nice to watch Bobby Jindal flail about as he tried to follow President Obama? Ok, you got me, I admit I didn't watch Jindal for that long. I got 30 seconds into it and it started making me ill so I turned the channel. But I heard later that he was so bad that even the FOX Noise talking heads said he was pretty bad. Jindal/Palin in 2012!


Travelingman Rick said...

It was so great. I watched it and I actually at one point got tears in my eyes.

We did it...we actually did it. We finally have a president that we can all be thankful for and respect.

When he opens his mouth we no longer cringe in embarassment.

The world was watching tonight and I bet he passed with flying colors.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Is it wrong that I was moved to give President Obama multiple standing ovations in the privacy of my own living room?

I so loved that speech. We have adults in charge again! And not just any adults . . . adults who speak coherently. Adults who inspire while simultaneously taking us to task for our own individual responsibility for this mess (although I certainly blame Bush for his recklessness and lack of leadership). Adults who remind us that we are each responsible for the future of our country and we need to be parents, not just have kids. Adults who remind us that we do each have a stake in each other.

I swear to God that if I ever hear a GOPer tell me that Republicans are the party of "values" again, my head will explode. I think that in just the first 35 days of his presidency, President Obama has proven that Democrats are definitively the party of values.

themom said...

I am one tickled citizen of the USA - in having an intelligent and eloquent speaker for our President. Jindal was a laughing stock for the GOP afterwards. I got the impression that he is trying to be Obama. His little cutesy home-spun stories were dreadful. Still gagging!!!

Darius Whiteplume said...

A Palin/Jindal ticket would be the best way to keep Big O in office. Maybe I should register republican and vote for that in the primaries :-)

Mnmom said...

Palin/Jindal in '12! Now that's a GOP ticket I can applaud.

It's not that we're all swooning over a new "messiah". It's that we're all so freakin relieved to have an adult in charge.

Anonymous said...

Of course, by now you've seen that clip where Bobby "The Amateur Exorcist" Jindal walks up to the podium and in the background you can hear an apparently disgusted Chris Matthews say, "Oh god." Hi-larious.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Kirby-I laughed my monkey ass off when I heard it.

Dean Wormer said...

If Jindal is their best hope then they are seriously screwed.

Too bad.

Pyzahn said...

A Jindal/Palin ticket? Ticket to hell!

John Shuck said...

My lovely said that Obama had more ideas come out of his mouth in one sentence than W had in eight years.