Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm not a family reunion guy

One of my cousins spotted me in the grocery store yesterday evening. She is the sister of the ones who ran over the local cop and then drove off. I yelped like a scalded dog when she recognized me. I said hello and then I hurried out of the store because I didn't want her to
  • see what kind of car I was driving,
  • or follow me to our new house,
  • or hit me up for money,
  • or ask me to knock over a liquor store with her.

Cruel? Maybe, but it's always better to be safe now so you're not sorry later.


Cormac Brown said...

Ah yessss, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your family.

Family is for life...and Amnesty International, The UN, The ACLU, cannot do anything to save you. Even people in prison have the possibility of parole, but you? Ahem, at any rate, you get the idea.

Romius T. said...

these are the kind of people u should be hanging out with...imagine how exciting the blog would be then/. ur criminal life..

Romius T. said...
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Chris said...

That's the downside to being such a highly evolved primate, Dr. MvM, besides you, the rest of your family tree is full of poo flinging embarrassment;)

Chris said...

PS can I get a ride to the liquor store?

Chance said...

"Hey cousin, how about me and you go down to the Dollar Tree and return some items, they give you fiddy cents for each one without no receipt and --- hey! You got a car! with real wheels!"

K.Line said...

Wow, you don't fuck around with your family scandal stories! :-)

Sherry Pasquarello said...

geezzzz are you related to me????

could be!

Anonymous said...

At least they don't tell you're going to hell because you're not a Jehova's Witness. Knocking over liquor stores would be more fun.

Blueberry said...

Amen. That's why I don't live in the same town with any of them.

John said...

Blueberry said what I was going to say! Hey, I can relate! I'm quite happy isolated from most of them LOL

PJ said...

With relatives like those, I'd feel sorry for you if you ever won the lottery or came into a lot of money some other way...