Thursday, December 4, 2008

North America has two assholes

Tory (or for my American readers, conservative right wing) Prime Minister Steven Harper of Canada joined his buddy George W. Bush in the Assholes In Power Hall of Fame today. Harper, the man who became Bush's poodle after Tony Blair stepped down from his position of leadership in Britain, dissolved the Canadian Parliament today so that he would not have to face a no confidence vote which he would have surely lost. When he does finally face being the victim of his own hubris when he loses the upcoming no confidence vote he'll have to call for new elections and hopefully when that happens our friends to the north will kick his party out of power.

I wish we had a political and a health care system like they do in Canada. We'd have gotten rid of Bush and his sanctimonious thieving pack of baying jackals years earlier if we had a system like theirs. And we'd all have free health care too. Imagine that, free doctor's visits and hospital stays and we'd also get to boot out the idiots who took our country to war over nothing and who ran our economy into the ground.

Canada, this is your shining moment, take advantage of it and send those Tories packing.


Wandering Coyote said...

I'm actually not a fan of the parliamentary system but also not a fan of the US system either. I'd rather have a system of proportional representation. But whatever. I just hope this coalition can keep it's act together and get that fucker out of office!

K.Line said...

Wow, Wandering Coyote: I love someone who knows what proportional representation actually is :-)

I cannot believe they prorogued Parl. It's all very unCanadian.

Elizabeth said...

It's all pretty nuts.

dguzman said...

Who's this Harper guy's advisor, Karl Rove? What an asshole.

Let's hope he doesn't take another page out of Rove's book and steal that election. Is that even possible in Canada? BTZombie, help me out.

pissed off patricia said...

Two assholes? Well that goes a long way to explain all the shit.