Sunday, November 9, 2008

Commence the schadenfreude!

I wonder if this gal felt the elation and joy that the rest of us felt beginning last Tuesday night?

Somehow I doubt it.

I'll bet she's making life miserable for her husband and for her neighbors in her over priced apartment Manhattan apartment building. And I bet she's getting ready to ride the train to bitter town for the next four (hopefully 8) years.


Ray_Haque said...

Let use this speech as a segway to my platform against climate control.

Had there been windows which could have been opened, she could have ran to one and yelled "I'm mad as hell ... and I'm not going to take it any more"!

Dr Zibbs said...

My wife and Aunts that sound exactly like this.

Chris said...

She's a friendly one, isn't she?

D. Debil said...

I never held much fear of the false flag democrats presented by the legacy media. It was clear they were props used by the corporate media to promote the race as closer than it really was.

However, I am related to several democrats who grasped at every convenient excuse for not voting for Obama. Usually the true reasons boiled down to crypto-racism.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

I'd like to point out to Harriet that Hillary is from ILLINOIS, a suburb of Chicago to be exact. She's just the junior Senator from New York.

Finally, I'm sure that the GOP has welcomed Harriet with open arms. We don't need her in the Democratic Party.

Unknown said...

Harriet is one bitter crank! Ray_Haque is right, she was mad as hell and not gonna take it any more!

Can you imagine having this woman in your fam? Geee-bus.

themom said...

OMG, did this woman forget to take her Prozac maybe??? In all honesty, she doesn't sound like the brightest light bulb on the tree....she's probably enjoying having Johnny Mac as Prez in her delusions.

no_slappz said...


It's already clear that your high hopes for Obama will lead to deep disappointment when most of his initiatives fail to deliver, are postponed, or funded with even more deficit spending.

Johnny Yen said...

I hope I didn't make my neighbors up laughing at that one.

Sparkleneely said...

She's a fun one, all right! I'm sure her highball glass is always half empty.

Ubermilf said...

Are you sure that's not Charles Nelson Reilly in a bad wig?

Mnmom said...

I think she hit the mini-bar pretty hard.