Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sisters are doing it for themselves...

...and for the rest of us too. I highly recommend the following posts by some of the hippest and smartest gals on teh interwebs:
  1. The rundown on Gov. Sarah Palin from HelenWheels at Just Ain't Right.
  2. Diva Jood links a great site about the real McCain.
  3. And you can get more of the insanely funny Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska videos here. The gal behind those great videos, Sara Benincasa, is a freakin' comedy genius and her blog is here.

That's all for now, but trust me, it's enough.


Elizabeth said...

I'm almost afraid to go read anything else about Palin. Each day I read more and more terrifying things about her.

DivaJood said...

Thanks for the linky-love. Now let's get some voters for Obama!

Micgar said...

Hey Monkey did you hear about Mrs Palin laughing on a rightie radio show when the "shock jock" called the lady (a cancer survivor) "a cancer" and "a bitch" ? Some Christian, huh. It's all on tape.

Unknown said...

Dr. Von Monkenstein!! I am SO honored! Thank you so much! I did work hard on that post & it means a lot to be recognized for it.

OHhh Micgar... I have that lil' nugget saved on my hard drive for future use. It's so awful. The "shock jock" is calling Sen. Lyda Green a "cancer" and a "bitch" (as you say... and Palin laughs and laughs. Niiiice.

I'm also honored to be listed in such good company!! You made my night!

Unknown said...

enc... don't come by my place then. You might have nightmares!

S.M. Elliott said...

I'm sure that Mrs. Palin's moose-gutting and permafrost-gardening skills will come in hella handy in D.C. Why didn't someone think of having an Alaskan running mate before?