Here's some quick thoughts on some of the movies I've seen recently.

I can't be very objective about Morgan Spurlock and his movies because I love him so much. He's from West Virginia, which is not too far from me and so I consider him a "local boy who made good." I loved
Super Size Me, I love his TV show, and I loved this movie. This film gives you some of the best reactions to our ill fated adventurism in the Middle East any where and it gives a quick concise rundown of the horrible things we've done to warrant the treatment we're getting in the Middle Eastern countries while we occupy Iraq. It's at times a funny, scary, imaginative documentary. I hope Spurlock keeps cranking these out for many years to come.

While this second movie in the stoner saga of Harold and Kumar is not as funny as the first one, it's still damn funny. If you liked the first one, which I did with a passion, then you'll like this one. Once again Neil Patrick Harris steals every scene he's in. The stereotypical southern couple and the "scary" black basketball players cracked me up. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for these movies and if they make a third one I'll probably see it as well.

Coming from a theatre background like I do, I had always heard about the musical
Sweeney Todd but I had never seen it or heard any of the songs from it. Then I saw this version. It was just okay. I've seen Depp do other roles that I liked better and I can barely stand Helena Bonham Carter, I could be wrong but to me she's a cold fish who is way too snooty for her own good, in other words, in my book she 'ain't all of that.' Now if only someone would come along and make a film adaptation of
Into the Woods, then I'd be all over that mofro.
I caught this on PBS last night:
I fell for Billie Piper when she was on the new Doctor Who but in this film she seemed like she had been clubbed in the back of the head one too many times and she was doomed to wander this production in a fugue like state. Everyone else was good in it, especially Julie Waters, but Ms. Piper seemed out of place. Maybe her character is supposed to be like she played it, I haven't read the books these are based on. All in all though it was an enjoyable production.
I've been looking forward to Where in the World even though I'd heard some not so good reviews. No desire to see Sweeney Todd. As for Harold and Kumar? I found it disgusting (despite LOVING the first one) and turned it off after the first 30 minutes.
I really like Spurlock's "30 Days" show and enjoyed Supersize Me too. Harold & Kumar let me down a little but I still laughed. The play "Sweeney Todd" I found really horrible so I've stayed away from the film although I hear people who weren't so crazy about the play enjoyed the movie more. Have you ever seen HBCarter in "Margaret's Museum"? A gem of a film.
I love Morgan Spurlock. Supersize me was a fascinating 2 hours. And I also fell for Billie Piper in Dr. Who! The new season just started again in TO (I don't get cable so maybe you've already seen this) and she makes a mystery appearance at the end of the first episode. I wonder where that's going?? All the other sidekicks pale next to her.
Kudos to the Monkey for using the phrase "fugue like state." Rock on, Monkerstein.
Ha! I was sick this weekend and so I saw many many movies. Among them were Sweeney Todd. I didn't like it because it was dark without the humor, which is the attraction of the play I'm told. I also saw "The Namesake" on one of the HBO channels. Kal Penn (Kumar)stars in it in a serious role and was great. Then I saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle for the first time evah and so am now a fan too. It reminded me of Kevin Smith without the fake smug self-importance. And while I haven't seen 'Where in the World...' I'll keep my lazy eye out for it since I too am a big of MS.
The best part of Sweeney Todd was Alan Rickman as Judge Turpin.
I'm not partial at all.
I sang the Sweeney Todd theme song in choir back in eight grade. A wonderful, powerful song, but I can't seem to build up the desire to get the movie and your review pretty much sealed that.
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