Monday, September 22, 2008

In the pantheon of horrible toys it ranks just above Bag O' Glass

Those kids look like they're really having "fun" on that thing, don't they.


Missy said...

I would like to hear the actualy audio of that kid calling out that line they have typed for him whilst bouncing and hanging on for dear life!

puddy said...

the illustrator obviously didn't think "fun" was what the product manufacturer was going after.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

Think they'll still honor that $10.95 price + just $1.00 shipping? I know a few kids that would be PERFECT for this Christmas!

Sudeaux Lux said...

Here's a Bizarre magazine and it has a monkey with a fez in it so naturally I thought of you. :)

Dr Zibbs said...

"The fun way to travel". You know there's some cheap ass dad out there that tried to convince his wife that the family would use this thing to get to their vacation destination.

dguzman said...


Snad said...

That kin on the front looks like he's strapped on that thing - and like he's about to be burnt at the stake.

I have to go to my happy place for a few minutes, now.

Unknown said...

Wow, it took a special type of sick fuck to invent something like that. I'm going to have nightmares, just like those terrified kids.

Joe said...

Not to be a downer, but I've seen that same expression on murder and fatal crash victims

Mnmom said...

Just after a great game of lawn darts!

Cormac Brown said...

Well, judging from the clothes and hairstyles, that ad was done up around '67 through '72. Note that this "Piccolo Pogo" looks just like a matchstick turned upside down, is this a coincidence at the dawn of The Age of Aquaris?

Would you spark it already? Jeez!

Hold on, man. Look, if you hold this upside down, it kinda looks like a pogo stick.

Elizabeth said...

Yikes, they look horrified. Much like many of us, when we think of either:

a) W's administration's legacy;


b) The spectre of Palin being in charge of anything that matters.

Mnmom said...

I also dig how they are wearing vintage Star Trek uniforms. And aren't those McCain's $500 Ferrigamo loafers?

Chris said...

That looks like something from a S&M website....not that I've ever looked at one.

beatgrl said...
