Monday, September 8, 2008

"The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself..."

It's very fitting that Geraldine Ferraro,the first woman to be nominated for the vice-presidency on a major party ticket in this country, has said that only she knows what Sarah Palin, the second woman to be nominated for the vice-presidency on a major party ticket, is going through. After all they both are the only ones who know what it's like to be women under that kind of microscope.

I hope they share another thing in common this fall, I hope Ms. Palin also finds out what it's like to be on the losing side of an electoral landslide like ol' Gerry did in 1984. Alas though, I think that as more and more revelations about Ms. Plain rise to the surface she might find out she has more in common with Tom Eagelton than Gerry Ferraro.


Anonymous said...

Loved the dead bloody moose pic. I saved it for future use. TY in advance. :)

Claire said...

Oh, I so hope so.

Elizabeth said...

I'll be watching and waiting.

dguzman said...

What a scary effing photo. Obviously a champion for preserving the beauty of the natural world, eh?

vikkitikkitavi said...

What about what that poor fucking elk went through?