Thursday, August 14, 2008

Want to know why I avoid my father's side of the family like the plague?

A police officer here in Johnson City got hit by a car the other night and he was seriously injured, in fact, he's still in the hospital. The car that hit him did not stop, they fled the scene which led to a man hunt for the driver of car that hit him. For a few days it was all the local media here in Johnson City was talking about.

Well, the good news is they caught the people who were driving the car that hit the officer. The bad news is the people who hit him are distant cousins of mine on my Dad's side of the family. You can see them in all their glory in a local news story by clicking here.

It's times like this that I just can't hide my family pride.


Mnmom said...

They look like real winners! I'll be your honorary cousin, OK?

D. Prince said...

Holy Shit!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i'll bet you are related to me via my dad's family!

Missy said...

Wow. I will be an honorary cousin too, if you wish.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sugar. You can't pick your family. We all know that. But you've got plenty of volunteers who will join you.

I know a couple of snazzy dressers who will come up and pretend to be your kids whenever you want to borrow them. You can even teach The Actor to play golf.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I was going to write "you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family" and was waiting for the comment window to open when I noticed that you already had this post tagged with that, so hell, just laugh about it! :D

Elizabeth said...

Oh, boy, that's awful.

I'll be your honorary cousin, too, if you need another one.

Maybe you'll help me out, too. I've got a couple I wouldn't mind replacing.

Anonymous said...

Dearl? Seriously?

John I said...

Connie and Dearl are second cousins. Their grandmother was your grandmother's sister, Effie. They grew up in Poor Valley between the road that ran from Pennington Gap to St. Charles. I pity Dearl's cellmates.

John I said...

They grew up in Poor Valley between the road that ran from Pennington Gap to St. Charles AND THE UPPER POWELL RIVER.

