Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Victoria's original secret


Swinebread said...

Before breast implants...

I think I prefer this to surgery

Anonymous said...

That's it! I'm going bra shopping right now!

Dean Wormer said...

I have bra envy as well.

dguzman said...

When did Peter Pan start making bras? Is that Wendy in the ad?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

phooey, those are "bullet tit" bras and my 1st bra was constructed like that. is it any wonder why we burned bras in the 60's??!!

Elizabeth said...

I guess there's no hope I'll ever look like a queen, despite my first name.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

oooh a tiara with every bra! Quite the bargain!

Suzy said...

"Smallish or just in-between" ... I love it!

The bra on the one on the right looks a little too much like a Fembot. It scares me.