Monday, August 4, 2008

Tell me something I didn't know

When I heard that it was a Unitarian Universalist church that was the target of that deranged conservative terrorist last week I knew right away why he had targeted it. I knew before the media told us about his "suicide" note and what they found in his house.

I knew he shot those people there because the UU's are a liberal gay friendly church. I knew it instantly. That terrorist, and that's what he is because he used violence to further his political agenda, and let's not forget that his political agenda is the same as people such as Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Malkin, Hannity, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, etc., is like a lot of people everywhere in that he hated and feared gays. Or perhaps he was attracted to men and didn't know how to deal with it.

Very often the people who decry homosexuality the most the the ones who frequent glory holes the most. The louder a person screams that he hates gays the more apt I am to think he's into it. If we've learned anything from the Republican moralists in the last 30 years it's that the more they demonize gays, the more they come out of the closet, unwillingly that is.

In this area, and I'm sure it the case anywhere there is a UU church, "religious" people love to denigrate Unitarians, their doctrine, and their openness towards gay people. Back when I was selling insurance, what a horrible two months in my life that was, my boss was an evangelical maniac Christian. He took every opportunity to tell us all how much he loved Jesus and how much he hated anyone who didn't love the same Jesus the same way as he did. One day during our lunch break one of the sales guys said that there was a gay church, meaning the UU church, near his house. My boss scowled and spat that any church that let gay people be members wasn't a real church at all and that his god was going to punish anyone who worshipped there. I shook my head in disbelief and I quit that job the next week.

My point is that the views most "believers" have about the UU church and those of the Knoxville terrorist aren't that far apart.


dguzman said...

It's always the frightened ones who do this shit. Whatever he was afraid of, it took over his whole life and drove him to this. That's pretty fucking sad.

Anonymous said...

Jesus taught us to hate everyone except people who beat their chests self-righteously and loudly proclaim their love for him. He was kind of needy that way.

Odile said...

Jesus taught us to love everyone and everybody, is the human being the one who spear those who "deserve" that love.
I prefere MY Jesus, that the one who hates everybody but those same to me.
I didn´t know about the UU,(until now) but seams to me a great place to be Christian devote.
Any kind of fanatism or sayin "my God is good your´s not" is a really danger to the peace.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

To quote Henry Rollins, "why can't these gods all just get along? They're omnipotent and omnipresent, what's the problem?" I guess the problem isn't the gods, but those who make them up.

Gifted Typist said...

These whacko christo fundos like to make gays into modern day lepers.
What they forget is that - according to the story at least - "Jesus" loved lepers and wanted everyone to love them

Anonymous said...

I just love it when the Monkey takes up for the "mowed down" among us. I am considering window irons just in case Mcbush commandeers the voting machines again. Seems the christians are keeping up with the muslims to see who the biggest baddest killer is.

Crayons said...

This is what stuck out to me: "When I was selling insurance.." Oh, that must have been a miserable period in your life.

You write eloquently on this topic. I grew up understanding that the Christians were the ones who cut out our tongues and burned us alive in the Spanish Inquisition. It took me several decades to recover from that exaggerated view.

Dean Wormer said...


Thou dost protest too much.

People who think sexuality is actually a choice are actually regretting the choice they made about their own sexuality.

(It made sense before I typed it.)

Elizabeth said...

That old chestnut: "He doth protest too much" could apply . . .

Elizabeth said...

Dammit, Dean Wormer beat me to it.

Suzy said...

Thanks for calling it what it is: terrorism.

You know what surprised me? That Knoxville has 4 UU churches. That's more than we have!

Blueberry said...

I was sitting in my UU church when that those people in Knoxville were being murdered for being open-minded, tolerant liberals.

Seems that this event may have helped make people aware that the UU church welcomes and embraces people, and doesn't care if they are gay, or atheists, or Pagans or what-have-you. Those things don't need changing. It's creedless, not Christian. Our pastor prides himself on being a heretic.

The event should also demonstrate the effects of hate and intolerance... but most people won't see it that way.

Irv said...

Want to get anyone's opinion of "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right" and "Open Letter to the Noah/Lot Gang." Found both on Search and Metacrawler. Irv

Anonymous said...

Extremists often use terrorism tactics to get what they want, and that's attention and control. I should be surprised that our gov't considers liberal book clubs and animal activist groups to be suspected terrorists, while ignoring the christofascists who hang on Rush Limpball's every word and act accordingly, but I'm not.