Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It's going to be in the mid 70's, sunny, and not very humid here today so I'm going to do something I have not done in months, go play golf. I'll probably shoot about 75 on the front nine but who cares. You kids have fun on the series of tubes known as the internets today. I'll leave you with this creepy ad from that 1950's Punch magazine I bought:
I'll see ya later my peeps.


Ubermilf said...

You keep switching between heartwrenching childhood tales, political stomach-churners and kitschy humor.

I'm getting whiplash.

Of course, that's what people come here for, right?

(the stories. Not the whiplash. That's my own personal problem.)

Unconventional Conventionist said...

I'll have an Arnold Palmer at lunch and think about you.

Have fun!

Elizabeth said...

god, that drawing is weird.

You know, 75 on the front nine is pretty good. I'd shoot 75 on the first hole.

Have fun!

pissed off patricia said...

Have fun in the sun. I used to play golf with my ex husband. I whipped him every time. He decided golf wasn't his game. I decided being married to him wasn't my game. I divorced him and haven't played golf since.

Missy said...


Someone put a shirt on that kid.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's never too early to start regular breast self-examinations.

Have fun golfing, you!

Anonymous said...

It's nice that in the 50s babies with macular degeneration and lady breasts could still get modelling jobs.

Micgar said...

I'm with enc-that baby is a little creepy-something about it...hmmm