Saturday, August 16, 2008

Busy day

It's going to be a busy day for Sparky and I today.

We're off to the farmer's market to score some fresh produce and hopefully some good goat cheese. Then we're off to the event that the whole area excitedly waits all year for, that's right kids, today is the annual Tree Streets yard sale! Then after we do the epic yard sale thang, we head over to a friends house for dinner. Yay for free food! Yay for friends who invite us over for dinner!

I hope all of you have a good day and I'll leave you with this scan of quite possibly the creepiest postcard I've ever bought.

That's the "Fields Lounge" in the Copeland Oaks Retirement home in Sebring, Ohio. How odd is that? Imagine getting this card in the mail from one of your kids with the message on the back,
Hey Mom and Dad, I hope you dig this room because that's where we're putting your ass when you get old and go all senile on us.

Love ya!

Mean it!

Your Kids.

If I knew I was going to spend the last days of my life in that hellish looking place I'd walk in front of a bus.

And on that fun note let's end this post now. See ya later alligators and remember you're having more fun than my hit 'n' run cousins are right now!


Mnmom said...

Looks like that home could use a homo.

I totally stole that line from a greeting card.

Ubermilf said...

I feel really sad for the elderly right now.

Freida Bee said...

The carpet in room in that postcard soso needs a blood stain.

(Incidentally, I gave you an award, Monkey dear.)

Snad said...

Speaking of busy...

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with the first mnmom. That room is in desperate need of a gay man's touch.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I could probably live there if I gouged my eyes out with a spoon first.

Elizabeth said...

If your hit and run cousins were lucky, they might end up in the "Fields Lounge" instead of the State Penitentiary Lounge!