Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My fifteen minutes of fame can't be up yet, can they?

The movie I was in, Box of Moonlight, is running again this month on Cinemax. For those of you who do not have Cinemax or who have not see this fine film, I have taken the liberty of taking some photos from the movie and posting them here so I could do yet another post about the movie.

In the opening scene we construction workers are fucking off when we're supposed to be setting up a turbine. Our boss, John Turturro, catches us playing a game of stickball in the plant and he's not happy about it.
That's me batting. If you ever see the film, and you'll see the scene I'm in later because I'm going to record my bit on my camera later today and I'll post it here for all to see, you'll notice I miss the pitch when the duct tape ball gets tossed to me. I hit it dead solid perfect four or five times in rehearsal but when the camera rolled I choked. After Turturro catches us playing we all come up to see what he's going to say. That's me on the far left standing there with my belly sticking out and my hands on my hips. The guy who's head I circled is named Ray Aranha. He was super nice to all us extras and he was a total pro. The day we shot these scenes we worked about 14 hours and it was hot and humid as hell out but Ray never complained a bit. He had been on a sitcom on ABC called Married People and I recognized him from that show, when I said I liked him on it he grinned from ear to ear and he seemed genuinely pleased that someone remembered he had been on it. The camera stayed on us while Turturro bitched at us for stopping working. Notice how I cocked my head a little, damn that's some fine acting! The guy who's face I put an x on was and still is a total douche. He's one of those guys who to make himself look good and to appear funny constantly runs down everyone else. He bored anyone who would listen with tales about his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He used to hang out in one of the bars we did improv in in Knoxville and I could always hear him trying to talk over us while we did our shows. If I never run into him again it will be too soon.
Ah more fine movie acting by me in this shot. The guy who's head I circled in this shot's name is Robert Wightman. His claims to fame before this film were that he had played John Boy Walton Jr in a few episodes of The Waltons, he played the stepfather in Stepfather 3 (which I rented after he told me he was in it and it wasn't that bad), and he had a large supporting role in another Tom DeCillo film called Living in Oblivion. He was a nice guy as I recall, he was easy to talk to and not a bit standoffish. I checked his IMDB page and unfortunately he hasn't done much since this movie.
Ohhhh ladies, look at that ass as I walk away from the camera. Which one of you wants a slice of that white boy booty? And that's our lamp reflecting on my butt, I do not poop out rectangular yellow objects...anymore.And finally as the scene wound up we all went back to work and we had to walk toward Mr. Turturro. We were told to walk fast so that it looked like we were eager to get back to work and I nearly walked into Robert. I put my hand on his back to let him know I was coming up fast behind him and when you watch the scene you can see him flinch when I touch him. I guess he wasn't used to being pawed by a damn dirty monkey like me.

I worked for a day and a half on the movie and I would have worked another day but I came down with a wicked summer cold and my Mercury Cougar died on me the next day so I didn't get to spend another day on the set. I was bummed but that's life.

All in all though I had a great time and I learned why they say that shooting a flim is one of the most boring things one can ever do. You rehearse the scene, they set up the lights and cameras and then you shoot it. Then they have to change the camera set ups and the lights to do the same scene from a different angle. Then you repeat that process all day long. Even though I was bored to tears at times I'd do it again in a heartbeat because I'm part of film and film is forever.


Dr. Zaius said...

You're a movie star! (You latte-swilling Hollywood types are all alike.) ;o)

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I had no idea I was reading the blog of a famous movie star! AND that a famous movie star read my blog!

What an honor!

dguzman said...

How many steps from you to Kevin Bacon?

You're such a stud. Does Sparky know she's with such a stud? I hope she does.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dguzman-I was in "Box of Moonlight" with Catherine Keener, who was in "Walking and Talking" with Anne Heche, who was in that volcano in LA movie with Tommy Lee Jones, who was in "JFK" with Kevin Bacon.

Merry-Famous? Not hardly. But thanks for saying that anyway.

Dr Z-I do love me some swill.

SamuraiFrog said...

Neat post! I used to star in videos for a friend of mine. I was a star, baby! In videos that no one ever saw!

How great that you get to see yourself on cable occasionally. I think that's really cool.

I need to see this movie, actually. I loved Living in Oblivion.

Claire said...

No wonder you're such a damn elitist.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

CDP-Damn girl, you had me pegged from day one.

Samurai-I get a kick out of seeing it from time to time. :)

Deepti said...

Is there anything more boring than listening to someone talk about their Harley?
Also, congrats on your fame! May the fortune follow.

PJ said...

Looks like the sun is shining out of your ass as you're walking away. I'd expect nothing less from you, Dr M.

Anonymous said...

I see that Madonna is going to be on the market and looking for the next career to make. She could be your ticket to fame. I hear she likes monkeys and at least she sounds British. Sort of.

But don't tell Sparky I mentioned it.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I have written to imdb to complain that there is no photo or bio of you for this film. They really need to get their priorities right.

Missy said...

I am with pj!

I wonder if you can get to Kevin Bacon via John Tuturro. Was Jeff Bridges or John Goodman ever in anything with Kevin Bacon...

Dean Wormer said...

As an actor I would've thunk your political career would've gone further.

You could be the Reagan of the left.

Ed said...

You need to digitize that puppy and get it up on your blog so we can see you in action! Of course, I don't know how one goes about doing such a thing.

Mnmom said...

You are a celebrity!!
My brother was an extra in a Timothy Hutton movie and we give him endless grief about it.

When the neocons complain about the Hollywood Liberal Elite, now I'll know who they are talking about!

Blueberry said...

I hope you got to keep that jumpsuit!!
I have a friend who was an admitting nurse in "Teeth" and a nurse in "Fast Food Nation", and also does a bunch of B movies as well as stage acting (and one of her characters is a favorite of Quentin Tarantino's). Sounds fun. My 2nd cousin once removed is Kevin Costner (who has made a stinker or two) (but sometimes the stinkers are still worth watching).

Elizabeth said...

Dang, gimme sommadat Wonderbread!

Hubba Hubba!


I loved this post. Thanks for putting it together for us.

Snad said...

I'm still gonna give you grief about not using a drop cloth.

Mike was a courtroom extra in "The People vs Larry Flint."

Pilkey said...

Dude, I actually saw that film and liked it. I like Turturro and this was the first film I saw with Sam Rockwell. He was excellent in this film and I was sure he'd be a big star someday. Pretty cool.

DivaJood said...

So, do you give autographs and such? Deal with paparazzi?

Sherry Pasquarello said...

all that talent and raw sex appeal,

damnit, now i'm in more awe than before! ; )

too cool.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Wow, and you did your own action stickball shots - no stunt double Monkey required! Impressive.

Micgar said...

That is so cool! I want to check that movie out! Waiting to see the clip!