Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm sad to report that I was not among the chosen people

I did not get picked to be on the jury in today's civil trial. I was ready to serve but they did not call my name.

The case involved a multi car accident where one car rear ended another then the car that hit the first car got hit by another and as they people were getting out of the second car the third car got hit sending it deeper into the second car and it caused some injuries to the people who were in the second car. At least that's what I think happened anyway. So the people who hit the first car were suing the people in the fourth car for medical bills and pain and suffering, I think. Alas, I'll never know because they did not pick me. They did read out my first name and I was hopeful but then the last name they called out was not mine so I sat back and waited. But I waited in vain.

The two attorneys then had a chance to dismiss any of the jurors but they decided to dismiss none and the judge then said that he had never in all his days on the bench see two attorneys not dismiss at least one juror. Judge S. then smiled and thanked all of us on jury panel "A" for coming in and he told us to call in sometime this weekend. I've got another 6 weeks of being on call to go so my hope springs eternal, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

I was in EXACTLY an accident like that once.

Sitting on 395 headed into Washington DC in bumper to bumper traffic. For some reason, I had left extra space between me and the car in front of me and we were all completely stopped. When all the sudden a car 3 or 4 behind me plows into the car ahead of him and it caused a chain reaction. Because of the extra space I'd left, my car didn't plow into anyone, although I got plowed into. The best part was I had the least damage.

To top it all off, the original guy who caused the accident was unemployed and uninsured. Gotta love it.

Unconventional Conventionist said...

No strikes? Wow, that IS unusual...

mwb said...

I've never had to serve either despite being called multiple times.

Which is good in my view, since I view it as long meetings with no snacks.

Dr Zibbs said...

That's exactly how I get out of jury duty. I hold my breath. And then I start doing the Charleston.

Elizabeth said...

Dr Zibbs ^^^^ haw haw! If I'd known that doing the Charleston was a way out, I'd have tried that long ago!

Dr Monkey, I'm sorry to hear you won't be serving on this case. Maybe you'll get a chance to serve on another one.