Friday, July 18, 2008

Abel Raises Cain

We recently acquired this film for this years Southern Appalachian International Film Festival. Go read about it here. I am not exaggerating when I say it's the funniest documentary I have ever seen and if you have not seen it then you should do so right away. You'll never blindly accept what the "experts" on TV say anymore.


Some Guy said...

That looks great, Dr.! Unfortunately, it's not available on Netflix yet. His name sounded familiar. Turns out, i have one of his books called "Don't Get Mad, Get Even!" As its name suggests, it's a practical joke how-to book.

Pilkey said...

I recently watched this film with my kids and we all loved it. I think this should be mandatory viewing in schools to encourage critical thinking when it comes to media. The film manages to make you laugh and think simultaneously. Bravo Jenny Abel.

Katie Schwartz said...

Upon your reccomendation, I will run like a dawg and rent it.

abel raises cain said...

Hey Dr. Monkey and everyone! Thanks so much for your kind words. I'm REALLY happy that people seem to enjoy the movie and my dad's antics. It's true, our documentary is NOT yet available on Netflix. The only way to procure a DVD is through our website: ABEL RAISES CAIN or on The movie will also be available in digital form in the coming months. I'm committed to getting my dad's story out to as wide an audience as possible. In fact, I think that's why I was put on this earth!

Elizabeth said...

I just assume everyone on tv is reading lines.