Sunday, May 18, 2008

So funny we forgot to laugh

Mike Huckabee did it again. He forgot that everything he says at any public event might be videotaped and recorded for posterity. While appearing at the NRA convention he "joked" that the sound of a chair dropping was the sound of Obama hitting the deck because someone pointed a gun at him.

He has since publicly apologized but his comment begs the question, does he really think that the idea of Presidential candidates, especially black Presidential candidates, getting shot is funny? Or is it just the idea of a black man cowering in fear of being shot is funny to the former Governor of Arkansas, a state that was no model or leader in the movement to desegregate the south in the 1950's and '60's? Or could it be the case that Huckabee thinks that Obama is an uppity black boy who needs to be put back in his place?

"Segregation now, segregation forever! All them uppity Negroes needs to be shot at! I'm Mike Huckabee and I approved this message to the NRA!"

Really though, this kind of backwards bullshit from Huckabee shouldn't surprise us. After all he is the man who says he does not believe in evolution, that women should be subservient to their husbands in all matters (including one presumes in all matter gynecological too), and that the US Constitution should be changed to reflect his interpretation of "God's will."

Imagine what a Huckabee led America would be like:

  • whites, especially whites in the elite monied class, would be allowed to point guns at will at black people
  • women would have to obey their husbands even if their husbands beat or abused them because it would obviously be "God's will" that they do so
  • science takes a back seat to stone age religion (oh wait, we've already got that under our current religious nut bag leader)
  • only fat rich white guys decide what "God's will" is and they get to change the Constitution willy nilly to make it and the will of God match.

Hmmm, it's no wonder that Huckabee's vision for our country didn't catch on. I guess ol' Mike though that since one former Governor from Arkansas got himself elected then the nation would be dumb enough to vote for another one. And maybe he thought that he'd take us back to the good ol' days of the 90's, the 1890's that is, back when women had not vote or say in things, back when blacks were "free," and back when most every one believed that some guy lived somewhere in the sky and controlled everything and everyone.

I'm guessing Huckster is genuinely sorry for his "joke." Sorry it got reported and that people outside of the rich white fat cat African American hatin' members of the NRA who got to hear his wit and wisdom that is.  Any time Huckabee appears on TV from now through the general election in November, someone needs to remind people that he thinks pointing guns at black people is funny. Or maybe someone should shove a gun in his fat face every time he shows it in public from now on.


Freida Bee said...

An no one to better represent the devil herself than that bigoted lady from Wife Swappin': Meet Your New Mommy. I'm kinda embarrassed I know who that is, I am probably safer knowing such things, though. I am also a little embarrassed that I am from the same state as the Huckster, and that some luncheon thingy for my class reunion next month will be at the Janet Huckabee Nature Center or some shit. A bloggable event,indeed.

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I've heard all the excuses and apologies from the pundits and from McCain himself, but the thing is that I believe that no one makes an "oops" like that in public UNLESS they routinely say stuff like that in private.

I'm so tired of hearing about how he is known to be a funny jokester who speaks off-the-cuff, but making racist comments about possibly assassinating someone are NOT funny and they're not your typcial "off-the-cuff" remarks.

By the way, did you read how the NRA has banned guns at its convention? Seriously.

Mnmom said...

What a bastard.

dguzman said...

I read that even his NRA audience didn't laugh. Stupid asshole.

Bridget Jones said...

You're kidding, right?

Please tell me you're kidding.

Someone said that in this century??

Anonymous said...

nice person, looking smart

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