I've got a whole raft of things I want to denounce this week but sadly neither Rev. John Shuck nor instant potatoes made the list this week. But the following people and things have made it, so away we go!
One Hour "Martinizing" is a John Birch Society led plot to ruin our country. Therefore, I denounce it.3) I denounce my former marriage to Grace Kelly and I also denounce all the children born to us while we were married.
4) I denounce Bush McCain for not wearing an American flag pin on his lapel. I also denounce him for not wearing a Vietnamese flag pin and a Mexican flag pin as well.
5) I denounce Tom Baker as the fourth Dr. Who because the show was soooo cheesy back then. I am not ready to denounce his female companion though because she was too cute for words.
6) I denounce allergies and my itchy eyes.
Oh, now. wait just a second... Tom Baker was THE BEST Dr. Who.
I denounce at least two of your denouncements (denunciations? denouncings? whatever)!
Besides, I don't think the kid with the French Fry head is all that cute.
#6 I'm definitely in on, though.
Snad-I dennounce you for denouncing two of my denouncements! I denounce you to infinity plus one!
Oh yeah!?! Well, um.... ok then. Now what?
Read out loud to the Spawn between snorts of laughter.
Now that's a pretty picture, isn't it?
I denounce you both for denouncing each other's denouncements. Monkey - this twin=mind thing is getting scary. While you were denouncing Grace Kelly and the family I was thinking "Oh but don't denounce that kickin furniture!" . . . and then . . THERE IT WAS!
I agree with all but the Tom Baker, because I enjoy cheesiness.
Therefore, I will not denounce your denouncement, but rather acknowledge that it was cheesy, but that cheesiness is not automatic cause for denouncement.
And the companion's name was Sarah Jane.
You can, however, denounce K-9.
I'm waiting for you to denounce yourself. I think that will be cool, like in generating-a-personality-black-hole kinda way.
As long as you didn't reject AND denounce Tom Baker.
That would've been a bit much. I love Jellie Babies.
You denounced quite nicely, but have you REJECTED?
PS - I double AFFIRM that blue couch, espcially if it's covered in that lovely frazee material.
Funny how Williams stopped doing coke and was no longer funny, eh?
Holy shit, there was enough denouncement energy in this post to power the country for six years! If only we could harness that power...
...to the lab!
Well, you look FUN. I think I'll park a bit.
Oh, Dr. Monkey, your denouncements are delightful! Now, would you mind if borrow your idea and make a few "denouncements" of my own, on my slightly simian site?
I will denounce you if you don't find a street corner to announce your denouncements! I'd love to see a photo of Monkey reading from his notes on a busy corner in downtown JC.
I denounce, deny, disparage, and deprecate upon any aspersions that I have ever previously denounced or denied.
So there
I denounce that baby as well and I denounce the person who put the crown of thorns, er fries on his head.
I thought "One Hour Photo" was pretty good.
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