Monday, May 12, 2008

For once Maxim magazine got it right

They missed the mark by a million miles when they said Lindsay Lohan was the sexiest woman in the world, but they did get it right with what they said about this creature.


Cup said...

I'd kill to have SJP's T&A, though.

Ubermilf said...

I hate Sex in the City with the white-hot passion of a thousand suns.

Also, what T&A?

Whiskeymarie said...

While I don't think she's sexy, I do like that for once someone who isn't a "cookie cutter" fembot is doing well in TV/Film. Yes, she's "unconventional" looking, but I guess I kind of like that.
Plus she's over 40 and has a killer body (though a bit too thin, I think).
Bombshell beauty? Not so much.
But I can think of MANY people unsexier than her.
That's my 2 cent's worth, anyways.

barbie2be said...

the hat she was wearing at the premier, not so much... but the dress was lucious!

Mnmom said...

I never understood the big deal over her - she's a little odd looking to me - I remember her from Square Pegs days.
Sex and the City is just too damn shallow for my taste.

Missy said...

I am with Whiskey, she is different and needs a sandwich, but not the least sexy.

That dress is fabulous and you know that Cynthia Nixon is so beautiful!

GETkristiLOVE said...

I love SJP, but I don't like the plant hat. At least she's not wearing a scrunchie...

Barbara Bruederlin said...

She's got a cute little figure though.

darkcrash said...

I saw a local news 'report' (important!) in which she complained about this Maxim thing and said, "what is it they don't like about me? my mind??"
No, dummy. Your horse-face.

Claire said...

I'm with Ms. Whiskeymarie here, Dr. M. Not only is Maxim wrong about SJP, but they're mean and creepy, too.

Snad said...

Maxim would rather have their covers plastered with 17 year old girls almost naked, hiding their nipples with their hands while daddy watches approvingly from behind the camera than have someone like SJP on their pages.
I don't like SJP. She isn't pretty when she's trying to look sexy - but she is when she smiles, I think, and I don't think she's a very good actress, but frankly, I'm sick and fucking tired of hedonistic-calvin-klein-pedophelia-laden-glossy-pages-so-losers-can-wipe-the-jizz-off-materialist-soft-core-porn-shit-rags-masquarading-as-magazines telling the world what's sexy. Here's the bottom line for most women (not speaking for those who choose refer to themselves as MILFs, of course): I give a shit what Maxim thinks makes a woman sexy.

Now, ask me how I really feel.

Dr. Zaius said...

I actually like that hat.

Ed said...

As a DODO (Dad Of Daughters Only) I find the whole thing to be rather disturbing. I'm bothered by the message this sort of thing sends to young girls, or women in general. Or men. And they're getting bombarded with it all the time. Awesome hat, though.

Missy said...

I was thinking about that hat more and I like the message it send: Wear hats! Whatever happened to a nice hat? Hats are can make a statement, hats can be handsome and fun.

I suppose hats are expensive....back to the drawing board....

mwb said...

Bah, sir, you have no taste.

I'll take SJP any day. I've always been a fan way back to the her Square Pegs days!

Especially over the trollop du jour that maxim fawns over.

Bridget Jones said...

Carmen Miranda lives!!!

vikkitikkitavi said...

Aw, Maxim can go screw. Lindsay's a creepy no-talent drug-addled drunk whose idea of sexy is putting on a blonde wig and pretending to be a famous dead talented drug-addled drunk.

And I'm sorry, but Sex and the City was a funny funny show. And a lot of the credit for the funny goes to SJP. So she's not a sexpot. Who the f cares. If it were up to Maxim, all movies would star Eva Longoria, I suppose.