...after seeing him on the Bill Moyers show last night I'll take Rev. Wright over those assholes like Hagge, Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, and most any other man of the cloth, with the exception of Rev. Shuck and Father Ted of course, any day of the week. The world needs more ministers like Rev. Wright.

And you can call me crazy but this guy is my idea of a great American President:

Too bad Evo Morales is President of Bolivia and not the USA. When Presidential elections in this country aren't decided by rich white men on the Supreme Court or fixed like the last one was, then maybe one day we'll elect someone with the integrity, vision, commitment to social justice, and desire for financial equality like Evo.
We gotta have a dream, brother.
once the media gets someone in their radar to hate --- it never goes away.
a lot of what wright has said all along is pretty on the mark
Morales has been doing some interesting things in Bolivia, although personally I prefer the comedic stylings of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.
Yup, much better to have a coca farmer for president than a cokehead.
Amazing, isn't it, how the only country we're loving on in South America now is the last bastion of the era of repressive right wing death squad governments? aka Colombia.
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Aw, you just have a thing for politicians with big hair. ;o)
My sister gets Bill Moyers and Bill Maher mixed up (just their names). It leads to a great deal of confusion sometimes.
I posted about Wright back when that happened and got some major shit about it.
Um, he was kind of taken out of context, as you know.
I must say that while I hate our idiot in chief, having been to Bolivia, I have my reservations about Morales.
That is another post for another day if I get to it. Intentions very good but outcome questionable.
I agree with you about this-the MSM let McCain off easy about his Hagee connection, but Obama is still getting asked about the Wright thing.
About Evo M, yes-finally in Latin America things are starting to look up! I think if the Iraq thing wouldn't have been planned by the Bushies, then something in Latin America would have.
I saw Morales on The Daily Show a few months ago and fell in love.
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