Saturday, March 15, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why You Need to Buy My Novel Via Download

10. Sick kids will get well if you do.
9. When your shady friends call and ask if you want to go rob a liquor store with them you can avoid a life of crime by saying, "I can't. I'm too busy reading a great book."
8. A novel with a gritty funny plot that has lots of twists and turns for only $11? What's not to love?
7. This guy will stop stalking you if you do:
6. An allegedly gay and lesbian friendly independent bookstore in Asheville refused to sell it because they deemed it "inappropriate." And of course they deemed it inappropriate without even reading it because if they had read it they would have seen it has positive portrayals of homosexual people in it.
5. One lucky reader will get a lifetime supply of gravy just for buying and reading my book via download.
4. Salma Hayek will look favorably upon you in the afterlife if you buy my book and read it via download.

3. You might like it so much that you want to buy the film rights to it.
2. Cute lil animals will befriend you more often after you finish my book.

1. I'll give you a bite of my banana if you buy my book.

Buy your copy of Trouble De Ville via download today by sending me an email with the words "I want Trouble!" in the subject line. Send those emails to monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom now and avoid the holiday rush.


Ubermilf said...

I find your book inappropriate for its portrayal of gin-swilling, cupcake-baking housewives with anger issues.

Life As I Know It Now said...

I'd buy it and give you at least $20.00 for it if it was a real book Doc, in print. You know something I can throw into my backpack and take off with, or read at night in bed or look at while I wait in the waiting room at the doctor's office. I will send you a check TODAY if I can buy a REAL book, okay? I just am stubborn like that...

Romius T. said...

did i win the bag of gravy? ooh tell me i won the bag of gravy!

I believe I can tell you (as a person that bought the book) that you don't need to pay the 45 dollars for marketing (they just offer that as a service -i think a crappy one that will bring you no money--to have lulu print you some copies, just saying maybe you can make a few more sales!