Monday, February 18, 2008

The last of all things Webb

Today marks the end of W Cubed, Webb Wilder Weekend, and I bring you one of his more obscure, oh wait, most of his stuff is obscure, videos. As I listened to the lyrics I thought of the old Gypsy saying that goes, "Bury me standing because I've been on my knees my whole life."


Pilkey said...

Funny you should choose that particular quote. "Bury me Standing" is also the name of an excellent ethnography about the Roma (aka Gypsy) culture written by Isabel Fonseca. Also, you can now catch "Latcho Drom" a documentary that traces the gypsy diaspora from its origin in India throughout Europe using just music on the web at

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Salty-I knew the quote because I had read the book years ago.