...now that Mitt's boys aren't serving their country by helping get their dad elected anymore, I wonder how many of them will join up to fight the war of terror? Heck, if their dad quit running so that we'd win in Iraq, the least they could do is go to over there and kick some terrorist ass. It's only fair right?
They believe in the war on "tare"? Sign 'em up! Here's a gun! Sorry, no body armor unless you have your own.
Send 'Em I Say!!!
I'll even volunteer to give them a lift to the recruitment office.
They have to fight another, equally important war, the war of ideas, here in the homeland!
They'll only show up if the army gives them bullet-proof chinos and polo shirts to where, since that is clearly their uniform of choice.
I was thinking the same thing; now that he's out, they have plenty of time to sign up.
Wear, not "where."
Übermilf regrets the error.
About as likely as Jenna and Not-Jenna signing up.
Don't like the Mormons. Lost my virginity to a Mormon. He made me get on top and do all the hard work while he laid back and enjoyed the ride ... much like I think how Mitt would have f*cked us.
Those Romney boys can't go fight in a war zone; they are neither poor nor black!
Oh, Beth!
They should start their own fraternity. Kappa Gamma Gap.
Someone better alert Operation Yellow Elephant immediately!
What about the War on Stupid, College Boy Knee-length Chinos. Shouldn't someone be fighting that?
Beth, I'm gasping with laughter at your observation
"ohmigod, dad, i can't believe you made us stay home and support a campaign you never intended to see through instead of letting us go kill tare-ists."
"but sons... you're clearly pansies."
"oh. right. carry on then."
Mitt's Twits should go to fight- the "war on terror" this very night...
But even with fusses and news-helmet's musses to coiffed doo's...
I believe the sons will make a veritable 23 skidoo!
And even though they believe in the attack-
on the faraway country of Iraq-
which is supported by father...
they can't be found-they're not around-
and they just can't be bothered.
*(sorry pretty stupid huh? just came to my mind!)
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