Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Douchebags are forever

Jane Fonda and I would like to remind you that while all living things must die one day, douchebags are forever.

So long Bill, I'm glad I out lived you.

I actually met and interviewed Bill Buckley back when I was in college and a certain corpulent attorney in the Knoxville area has a picture of me with Buckley to prove it. Some people experiment with sex and drugs in their first few years in college, me, I experimented with being a conservative. As you can tell it didn't suit me. The thing I remember most about talking to Bill Buckley was how shitty he looked close up. He looked a tired truck stop whore on a cocaine and vodka fueled bender. He was nice enough to me but I sensed that he'd rather shove live rats up his butt than talk to me. He spoke to at a fund raising event later that night and despite being a national political figure he refused to answer any questions on politics after his speech. All in all he was quite the persnickity twat.


dguzman said...

Just look at the emptiness in those eyes, the realization that his life didn't mean shit.

Anonymous said...

On the plus side I too have lived long enough to see Bill Buckley die.

But he stopped being the most annoying and disturbing conservative a long time ago.

Alyson said...

i dabbled in conservatism (is that even a word? if it is they should ban it) when i was in college. it just made me a wiser democrat.

Alyson said...

by the way, i know you were returning from getting your life saved and all, but did you catch any of the dem debate last night?? there were straws, there was grasping... it was AWESOME. almost the end of billary monkey!!! i can see the light :-)

Little Merry Sunshine said...

I, too, experimented with conservatism in college. My experiment even included being secretary of College Republicans until in a college-wide scandal of degredation of women by the men in the group (long story), I had to take a stand and resign. Then I took a cold hard look at my own beliefs and realized I was never a GOPer.

I feel like I've just been to Confession.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dguzman-Wow, you got all that from that photo, way to go girl.


Alyson-I didn't get home until almost 9:30 and the only thing I wanted to do was to finally eat a decent meal and have a beer, so no I didn't see much of the debate but I hear our man kicked her butt. Yay Obama!

Merry-I'm glad I could help you unburden your conscience.

lulu said...

His son writes really funny books though.

Distributorcap said...

buckley is the founding father to a movement that includes Coulter, Limbaugh, Kristol, Hannity and Savage

that says it all...

i always hated him

Johnny Yen said...

The best comment on Buckley ever was, believe it or not, by Marlon Brando. In an interview, was talking about how education and intellect are not necessarily panaceas to society's ills-- he specifically pointed to Buckley as someone who used his intelligence and education to further his own biases.

When I was in college, I happened to catch Buckley and Michael Harrington, who was leader of the democratic socialists in the U.S., and author of the influential book The Other America, on his show Firing Line. Harrington very politely tore Buckley a new asshole intellectually.

Later I found out that they were actually good friends in life.

I don't think that Buckley was as interesting as he thought he was.

Micgar said...

ewww that guy just grated on my nerves-I grew up watching his damn show-my dad the liberal watched probably just to see what an asshole the guy was-with that affected accent, the weird eyebrow/eye thing, the grimace-it, along with his dumbass views camouflaged in an elitist lilt was so hard to take. My dad said watch out for losers like him. I have ever since!