I know there are lots of people like me who got into financial trouble due to health reasons, the biggest cause of individual bankruptcies in this country is due to crushingly high medical bills, so this post is for you. For those of you on the brink of credit card trouble, this post is for you as well. And for any of you drowning in debt and who are being harrassed by collection agencies then this post is for you too.
First a bit of background on me, I stopped paying my credit card debt when I had my heart attack. I figured I needed my money more than the credit card companies did so I stopped paying them. Here's what happened next:
- They hounded me for a bit but I sent them all a letter telling them I was not going to pay since I was not working. I told them in writing that I needed my money worse than they did so they needed to stop harrassing me. The calls stopped as soon as they got my letters.
- After my bypass things settled down for me financially and I contacted the credit card companies to work out some kind of arrangement. They love it when you do this because they will get some money from you and some money is better than none at all. In all cases the companies reduced my interest rates and I told them I would pay them "X" amount of money each month and that I was only going to pay around 2/3 of what they claimed I owed. I also told them I was not going to pay any late fees or and add ons they put on me when I was not paying them. They all quickly agreed.
- A few months after I made these arrangements I found out I was not going back to work at all for the foreseeable future so I stopped paying the credit card companies once again. Of course they howled and complained, they said "We made you a deal! You must pay us!"
- When they sicced their collection goons on me I found out that I had a powerful weapon on my side, and it's called The Fair Credit Reporting Act. When ever a collection agency called I'd ask them for their address and then I'd thank them and I'd hang up. Then I'd write a letter to them telling them not to contact me anymore concerning that debt since there was no way I could repay it. The FCRA says that once the collection agency gets the letter they can contact me once more but that's it. If they do contact me more than once after getting that letter then they are in violation of the law and I could sue them for harrassing me if I wanted to. No agency ever contacted me again after getting the letters I sent.
My credit rating is shit since I stopped paying but in seven years all that comes off my credit report and when it does I'll be able to rebuild my credit again.
Am I suggesting you do what I did? Well, if you need to go right ahead but understand it's better if you stick with whatever repayment agreement you make with the credit card companies, unless your case is like mine and if you don't mind your credit rating going in the toilet for seven years. What I am telling you is this: YOU HAVE OPTIONS WHEN YOU ARE BEING HOUNDED BY CREDIT CARD COMPANIES AND THEIR COLLECTION AGENCIES. There are laws that are on your side and you should not be afraid to use them.
Just so you know, the credit card companies will eventually write off my debt and they'll get to subtract it off their corporate taxes when they do. All debts are written off eventually and wiped from the slate. Things happen that force us to rely on credit cards sometimes when we know we shouldn't and things happen sometimes that force us to use our money to keep a roof over our heads instead of sending our money to greedy corporations so don't be ashamed to stand up for yourself and stop the bullying of the banks who issue credit cards. In times of financial crisis always put your family before the needs of the financial industry. I hope none of you ever fall on hard times where you need to make the choice between paying your rent or paying a credit card bill, but until our current system collapses and is revamped more and more of us will fall between the cracks.
Good to know Dr. Monkey! Great post.
This is a fantastic post Dr. Monkey. You are da man, I mean da monkey.
Seriously- the issue of bankruptcy is not riotous living, but as you point out, medical costs.
Funny that, eh?
Our sick society- you work to change that and I thank you.
My debt is huge, I am not charging anymore and I am paying off... slowly
Same boat - heart attack for you, cancer for me. What makes me sick is that the CEO of my health insurance co. is a rich fat cat while I am drowning under medical bills. Something is seriously wrong when someone gets rich because another human is ill.
Great post. Last time I saw a study, medical problems were the number one cause of bankruptcy in the US.
i have long realized how lucky i've been remaining relatively healthy past forty.
to compensate for this, my first wife's father was a lawyer, and when we separated and i left the apartment, she somehow managed not to pay any bills for six months. all of which were in my name.
i'm over that, now, of course. really.
hang in there, Dr. M. i continue to send good thoughts your way.
I think the best part of your excellent post was "don't be ashamed to stand up for yourself and stop the bullying." So many times, people get in over their heads, and they're so ashamed and embarrassed--like they "sinned" and now they deserve punishment. But if we could shed that guilt and just think logically, as you did, things will work out eventually. Feeding your family and surviving are always #1; the CC companies will ALWAYS survive, no matter whether a few people pay them or not.
Great post, Dr. Money--I mean Monkey.
I wish that it would go away after seven years.
Just last week we received a collection notice for a bill to a hospital Dilf supposedly visited in 1998. In Michigan.
Of course, that never happened. But it's been sitting on our credit report, and despite having disputed it at least five times, it keeps coming back.
My Discover Card had me owing more than 1000 dollars five years after I paid it off.
It took months to get them to fix it.
I'm truly disgusted by what happens to normal everyday people just trying to survive.
When I was in the midst of my custody fight about 12 years ago, I had to stop paying on my credit cards. I began to get the calls. I called the phone company and asked how much it was to change my phone number (and have it unlisted). It was like 28 bucks. That's what I did and the calls stopped. And a couple of years ago, the day before the federal law changed, I filed for bankruptcy.
The reason for the vast majority of bankruptcies is either a divorce or stupdendous medical bills. The change in the bankruptcy law was a big payout to the credit card companies.
And guess what? When you recover just a little bit from bad credit, they are more than happy to give you a credit card.
thank you for this post. I am going to have my brother read it because he is currently going through this crap right now and he is making himself sicker with worry.
Very informative, Dr. Monkey. It's horrific how so many who file for bankruptcy do so because of medical bills — and yet "we don't need a healthcare plan."
Awesome post monkey man. If only one person benefits you have done a lot!
Jane-Thanks. Things may be a bit different in Canada.
MnMom-I hate assholes who profit off sickness and death.
Bubs-That study is correct.
Commander-I was lucky too until I had my heart attack. Oh well, considering my family history I am lucky that I did not die right then.
UberMILF-It is supposed to go off your credit report after 7 years, even if it does not, the law says you are not responsible for the debt after 7 years.
Johnny-It's a shame people have to go broke to get well.
Kim-One would hope one learns from one's past.
Liberality-I'll be glad to help your brother out with his mess if I can. Tell him to email me if he likes.
Beth-Horriffic indeed.
Romius-That's my evil plan, help one person out and they help one person and they help one person...until we all fuck the corporations together.
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