Today's question is a doozy and it comes to us from
Captain Karen, the self described Caunck Hockey Girl and one of my Winter Reading Challenge compatriots. Captain Karen, who's been MIA all week from her blog so cross those fingers she's just taking a breather and not giving it up forever, sent me this query:
While on a three hour pleasure cruise aboard your private yacht, a fierce storm comes out of nowhere, destroys the boat and you wash up on the shores of a deserted island. Miraculously, a few other people survived as well. Tell us who they are and why these specific people are there with you: 1. the professor- Would be my friend Joseph F. He's got a doctorate in Political Science, he's smart as a whip, he's progressive, he's funny, and he laughs at my stupid jokes. He was born on Crete so he's used to island life and he just might come in handy for who knows what.
2. the movie star-Would Salma Hayek. She's hot, she's multi lingual, and she can actually act. If we need some entertainment she can whip something up for all of us.
3. the goofy sidekick- Would be my friend Todd. He'd make me laugh and he'd keep me sharp because I'd have to keep up with him and his wisecracks. Although since Todd has a well known antipathy towards things aquatic, I'd have to drug him to get him on board, kind of like they used to do to Mr. T on
The A Team.
4. the socialite- I'd choose Jackie Kennedy in her prime. She was beautiful, smart, and apparently good fun to be around.
5. the captain- I'd have to go with Capt. Janeway from that crappy Star Trek show I hardly ever watched. The only reason I'm picking her is to balance out the males and females. She sounds like a Smurf on LSD when she talks but she does look nice in a skin tight uniform.

Thanks for sending in that great question Karen!
I'm still taking questions for "Question a Day" so send in your burning questions. I'm answering them in the order in which I receive them so if you sent one in a few days ago, don't worry I'll get to it soon. Send your questions to monkeymuck(at)gmail(dot)com.
What?! Not McGyver to get you OFF the island using a coconut shell, sand, two shark teeth, a palm frond, and Selma Hayek's bikini??
Dr. Monkey,
I have just come inside from trying to blow frozen soap bubbles with some friends from the office. It's not cold enough yet.
I loved catching up on your blog. This last post was imaginative and well-reasoned.
I'm too sleepy now to write a worthy comment. As you were.
PS: It might be just about time for you to post a cooking experience.
no millionaire and his wife
I think all the millionaires are now living on one of those man-made islands near Dubai.
I can see it now - Dr M holding court on his monkey island with this unsavoury bunch, doling out drinks from the homemade still in those cute coconut cups. I've always wanted to drink out of those coconut cups.
You've got a high hubba-factor in those choices Doctor. Well done!
Sorry, I'd have to go with Captain Kirk for the captain. He'd get you off the island!
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