Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Question a day

I'm taking questions in the order I have received them and today's question comes from Dale W. His question is: Would you ever audition to be on THE AMAZING RACE and how long do you think you'd last?

Since I have never watched that particular show I would have to say that no I would not ever audition to be on it. I find the premise of this show to be pretty inane, as I do most of the other "reality shows." They are not in fact reality at all, true reality shows, if they ever aired, would be cancelled in two seconds flat because real unscripted reality is boring to TV viewers.

Having said that, there are two shows in that genre that I would audition for and they are:

I'm not a chef by any means but I can cook a fair bit and if they ever let ordinary schmoes like me audition for Top Chef, I'd be there in a heart beat. I'd like to think I'd make it at least half way through the competition before I got booted off.

The only things holding me back from auditioning from Project Runway is the fact that I can't design fashion and that fact that I can't sew, much less make a pattern. However, if I could do those things, I'd be all over this show like white on rice.

If they ever do a "reality show" where they look for the best smart ass who can drink lots of beer and make people laugh then I'd not only audition for it, I'd win that bee-otch.

Keep those questions coming to monkeymuck AT gmail DOT com and I'll answer them one at a time during January.


Romius T. said...

I can't wait to see you in the bikini

pissed off patricia said...

Seems to me every day is an audition for a reality show called Life in the United States.

dguzman said...

When you said project runway, I figured you meant you'd be modeling the outfits. That's the show I'd like to see, man!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Romius-Just close your eyes and dream.

PoP-I do believe your right.

Dguzman-I look great in a dress.

Fran said...

I know one of the chefs from Top Chef season 2. Not well, but I know her.

I think you would be much, much better!

barbie2be said...

yeah... why don't they have a show called "top home chef" ? i could give you a run for your money on that one... or not as i start culinary school on monday. they probably would not consider me a home chef. losers.

Anonymous said...

Hells' Kitchen is the way to go. Those whiny bitches on Top Chef (no offense, franiam) wouldn't last a day with Gordon.

Dale said...

I'm not much for reality tv either which is why I like 'Amazing Race'. It's much less inane than much of the rest of the television landscape. Top Chef & Project Runway are ones I couldn't ever be on either though due to my lack of talent in virtually every aspect of life!